Roadhog hooks breaking for no reason

happened to me twice in a single game, and it started to happen frequently and should be looked at.

Hooked Ana was in LoS and yet the hook broke for no reason in my last game. I don’t have any vods, but there’s plenty already showcasing the issue.

If I recorded everytime the hook broke for no reason there’s would be atleast 20 times where it happened in the last couple of games.

Also the hook breaks on Mercy more often than actually working as intented.

compilation of threads reporting the same bug in the last 17 days.

ow team should get their sh/it together and atleast acknowledge the bug.


as of 12/18, hook still breaks for no reason or misses even with a direct hit

i was in QP and the hook kept breaking i thought everyone was just break LOS but i hooked a zen in an open flat area with no cover and it just broke, it happen as of 7/19