Road to 0.0% Please just stop playing Bastion

I must admit playing vs Bastion on a payload behind 1-2 shields is the worst and most unfun thing I can imagine.

Playing against a Hanzo/Zarya combo is the worst and most unfun thing i can imagine.

Do it, canā€™t wait! Hereā€™s a better idea: If people actually banned people for playing that hero in modes other than Competitive as well, you and the OP would definitely get your wish!

My back/hands hurt from Typing.

Iā€™ll be checking back in the morning, and i would LOVE To discuss Bastionā€™s balance further.
Either here, or you could join our Megathread! :kissing_cat:

I have genuinely Zero clue why it says i replied to myselfā€¦

You have clearly never played in gold or below, people struggle to kill Bastion once he gets shielded, Iā€™ll keep cursing the stupid level design in this game (f*****g chokepoints.)

crit is on the back of the sentry

but yea its a realy weak hero, even sombra has been incredibly buffed with infinite invisibility

The blue shining thing on the back of his turret form. Thats his head and can get crits.

With a ton of spread, so its more like a shotgun.

So slow its comparabile to moiras. And then wont get you out of a hot situation either.

Nope, the shield made him OP before it was removed. Just sitting in a corner so no enemy could sneak up behind him (thus no crits) and a lot of health. 600HP shield just for himself while being able to put out 450DPS is too much. Thats what an Orisa is for. Or rein.

Why did you say he has no crit box in turret form in the first place? Thats delusional mate.

Words to live by. Less falloff and maybe less spread so he is a little bit more viable in Sniperwatch.

Immediatly thought of them.
- YouTube

Not sure I agree with that but I do agree with your point. The odds are stacked against him too heavily. They should be like a flanker but not to a point where itā€™s impossible to do your job.

I did skim that linked thread it didnt seem believable so I googled it and got that 525 number which still surprised me I never realized how much help he has in shredding those shields assuming either number are even in the neighborhood of accurate.

Yeah Iā€™d agree that right now thatā€™s not 100% needed. But the mobility creep is real and down time is becoming less and less available. Just look at syms flying turrets hanzos leap and torbs incoming auto level 2 turrets. I feel like with the direction weā€™re currently headed leaving mobility out of an overhaul would just land him right back where he is currently.

I forsure learned a few things. His damage not being as high as I had imagined for starters. I never hated bastion just the frustration that comes along with him being successful but admittedly your gonna get that from anyone overperforming on the enemy team. Plus I also just realized just how much Iā€™m calling the kettle black as a teacher main lmao.

We were both looking at that with opposite points of view thatā€™s where the disconnect came from.

Iā€™ll check it out!

the only rework they have done right was Lucio. Lets be completely honest. And its not an attack on the Devs, we just no longer have faith that they can do their jobs anymore

So I know other people have already responded, but Iā€™ll do it anywayā€¦

People have already mentioned the crit box, no sense in doing that again

His DPS is actually really low because of his spread, Chibi linked a post of mine detailing this, itā€™s in the links section in OP if youā€™d like to have a look at it. It would be really nice if you did, the more people we can get informed about what his damage actually looks like, the betterā€¦

He only has 4 seconds of self-heal, and itā€™s on a 7 second total recharge. Itā€™s a pretty good amount of healing, but he canā€™t just use it wheneverā€¦

His falloff range is actually really good, itā€™s 35-55 meters. All he really needs is a spread reduction so that he can actually hit targets. I would really like for them to copy/paste Hammondā€™s spread onto Bastion, itā€™s a really nice spread pattern. It starts off at 1.25Ā°, and then goes to 2Ā° maximum.