Riptire has its flaws:
- Pretty Slow
- 100 hp (I mean a single sniper shot or fire strike can take it out)
- Loud as heck
- Junkrat is stationary
Riptire is fine. Sure it can get cheeky kills, but it’s also pretty easy to destroy.
Riptire has its flaws:
Riptire is fine. Sure it can get cheeky kills, but it’s also pretty easy to destroy.
Rip-Tire nerf WHY? Junkrat isn’t even good anymore.
I am not saying that Junkrat needs nerfs, but to say that one of the best shield busting heroes out there who also has the ability to create tons of space himwelf simply to area coverage, and a still gamechanging ult which can delete a teams defence instantly if hit (despite being stationary, he can launch it from a safe distance) is “not good” is exaggerating.
So would you say that Mei, Reaper, Roadhog, Orisa and Soldier are also currently good? If we’re looking at heroes from a case by case basis, sure, it’s easy to make them SOUND good when you just list off what they’re capable of. But there’s far more to take into account when it comes to a hero being good than just that. Truth is, he’s a shell of his former self. And when it comes to the actual team game, he’s now mediocre at doing what he’s supposed to do. How many people have recently thought “Boy, we sure could use a Junkrat!” recently? I’m sure theres an anecdote or two where people say it. But the fact is, he’s unfavorable at the moment. I don’t consider that “good” in any way.
Never mind that it charges almost as fast as pulsebomb and is superior in every way
it’s already been nerfed how many times now!?!
Count me in for the anecdotal evidence, when I see that we’re unable to get through dem shields with Soldier I always think of Junk.
It’s the weakest ult in the game when people actually shoot it. It’s so easy to destroy
Junkrat actually needs buffs, not nerfs.
I’m not usually a person to say this, but this is 100% a situation of “get better at the game.”
Junk is fine as he is, any buffs and he will be OP again, any nerfs and he will underperform. If you remember all the Junk threads on the forum before he got his ultimate speed nerfed a bit.
They just need to revert his grenade hitbox nerf. It caused bugs with hit registration, and actually promoted MORE spamming due to that.
Also, pretty much every Junkrat main was saying the biggest issue with him was how quickly he was getting RIP Tire.
It caused bugs with hit registration, and actually promoted MORE spamming due to that.
Can you describe them please? I am just curious.
no fall off
it does have falloff
low charge rate,
I’m not saying its the highest but junkrat does have a higher than average ult charge requirement when it comes to dps only bastion Soldier Reaper Pharah and torbjorn having a higher cost iirc
Essentially they will clip through an enemie’s model. There’s even been times where a grenade went through Genji’s deflect but still did not hit him, even though it was very obvious he should have had a successful Deflect from that.
Other players have experienced the same things, there just seems to be an issue with the grenades clipping through people, and that didn’t start happening until the hitbox reduction.
Is it a bug? Maybe. Maybe not. May just be the smaller hitbox, but the grenade visuals are that of the old ones. Either way, it’s misleading and annoying.
I’m fine with smaller hitboxes, but I’d love slightly faster projectile speed so that I can at least excel off direct hits in a meaningful manner like I used to.
As someone who plays Junkie, i’ve seen his projectiles roll under Zenyatta to the point where i’ve burst fired by Zen that should have been dead within three shots of my fire.
I play on Xbox and tire is one of the easiest targets to shoot
I question if this is a real topic in 2018
I’ve seen it do I think around 160 damage minimum. Haven’t tested it myself though, so I have no idea what the lowest it can actually be is. I’m betting it would be around 120.
100 sounds right, but you have to be right on the edge of it
It has a 10m radius and does 60-600 damage, presumably with a falloff of 54 dmg per meter.
Source: Junkrat - Overwatch Wiki
to be fair, a lot of the reason for that is because they did nerf the wrong part, putting him into f tier.
no fall off
on a hero that spams aoe grenades.
Sure, maybe when you are the one playing him.
After playing tons of Junkenstein’s revenge as widow, I literally never miss the tire :^ )