RIP Orisa + Hog

It’s not about necessarily displacing him it’s about him being able to do jack shot against ball same with zarya
Not sure why you think the boop is all that Hammond offers but …

That’s the subtle irony of this whole thing. All the DPS players who were griping about tanks and Moira are gonna get to wait even longer, now.

Well… reap what you sow, I guess

I’ve been complaining about orisa a lot these past couple hours but they really did that to moira for no reason huh

It’s… kind of an absurd nerf. Like, I get nerfing her self-healing. I think it was unnecessary, but okay, if you were going to nerf her, that seemed like a fairly obvious choice.

Nerfing her healing? The one thing she’s supposed to be really good at? That’s just dumb.

65 HPS on a range and resource restricted hero with literally no other utility. Give me a break. Dev’s Ana bias jumped out

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I’d be less irritated by it if they returned her healing through barriers, though the barrier nerfs make that sorta unnecessary…

They need to slash damage pretty much across the board. That, or just scrap these terrible changes and come up with a solution that isn’t going to screw Orisa and Sigma outside of Double Barrier

I’m confused, the nerf I see is a selfheal nerf, not a healing nerf.

All hail Sigma + Hog.

More likely Rein + Hog

I agree with this. Ana was only out of meta because of double shield before that she was 54% When Mercy was that there was screams. But because she has to SLIGHTLY aim on massive hit boxes. Grandma is allowed to be UP in her kit. Nade alone is a mini ult on anti as only 3 abilities negate it and 1 immortality field can be destroyed. The other two translocate and recall are only to character.

They nerfed her pee to 65hps

Ana was mega hard countered by double barrier and STILL managed to be the second most picked healer and one of the most picked heroes in general

Weird, was that a late addition?

Rein needs Zarya’s cc cleanse and damage absorption; Sigma needs Hog’s damage, peel, and brawling.

One of the reasons I love Sigma is because before him, I was always talking about how being in front of their team is actually no place for a barrier tank because their personal durability is sacrificed for a teamwide barrier. With Sigma, I can have my barrier in front of the Hog while I stay back. Rein can’t do that, he needs someone who can make up for his… “brave” playstyle.

Been there since I saw the notes. Self heal was last ptr

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Oh, Sigma’s DEAD. 900 HP barrier is a bloody joke on the squishiest tank in the game. Maybe if they hadn’t buffed Kinetic Grasp’s shield conversion and had instead brought the barrier down to 1200 HP we’d be talking, but as it stands… hahaha

I’ve been doing just fine on ptr so far. If people think he needs a buff, I’ll take it.

Read that wrong, thought it was a self heal change.

I think biotic grasp refers to the damage and the heal beams, so I can see it. I had to do a double take myself

Hog is going to be a must pick. There’s no barriers to protect anyone anymore. He’s just going to pluck people, and there’s nothing anyone can do

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