RIP Orisa + Hog

That dinky barrier isn’t gonna be enough.


I’m not sure how hog will fair. Not having a lot of barriers does give him easier hook targets.

Hog HP increased to 800 as he has been depressively eating due to orisa nerfs…fixed


Why would we play hog when Reinhardt is going to dominate with Zarya

That seems fair.

You have a good point.

It also makes him an ult battery for the enemy team

Feeding 1100 Ult charge before dying…

We’ll be back to dpswatch…but with super long dps queue :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Rein zarya meta reallllly opens up dive though. Super stationary comp can’t wait to roll my ball into that.

Not always. You don’t have to stand out in the open saying shoot me as hog

Rein-Zarya is definitely gonna be back.

Probably gonna be Grav-Dragon 2: 2-2-2 edition

they still have the synergy from yoink and oink, but they are making the game less stand behind a shield and use a cheap tactic to get a pick and more push in, get a pick, and win the fight

hog will overall benefit from this, since he can easy melt shields

doomfist, reaper, bastion, etc

can be used in lower ranks when having issues with these heroes or they still choose to have double shield

Or take it for what it was a joke :stuck_out_tongue:

How are you going to boop rein when he’s fast and is functionally unboopable

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It’s not about necessarily displacing him it’s about him being able to do jack shot against ball same with zarya
Not sure why you think the boop is all that Hammond offers but …

That’s the subtle irony of this whole thing. All the DPS players who were griping about tanks and Moira are gonna get to wait even longer, now.

Well… reap what you sow, I guess

I’ve been complaining about orisa a lot these past couple hours but they really did that to moira for no reason huh

It’s… kind of an absurd nerf. Like, I get nerfing her self-healing. I think it was unnecessary, but okay, if you were going to nerf her, that seemed like a fairly obvious choice.

Nerfing her healing? The one thing she’s supposed to be really good at? That’s just dumb.

65 HPS on a range and resource restricted hero with literally no other utility. Give me a break. Dev’s Ana bias jumped out

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I’d be less irritated by it if they returned her healing through barriers, though the barrier nerfs make that sorta unnecessary…

They need to slash damage pretty much across the board. That, or just scrap these terrible changes and come up with a solution that isn’t going to screw Orisa and Sigma outside of Double Barrier