RIP Mccree, see you in 3 years when you become viable again

what Im saying is that those characters that are more mechanically intensive, and have higher winrates, are overtunned themselves. Not to mention, over the past 6 months collectively McCree actually has had a winrate above 50%, and Im willing to bet those overtunned characters are whats keeping him down.

All im going to say to this is that my best friend who is a GM tracer would absolutely KILL to have pulsebomb reload his ammo.

Besides, you do not have to CANCEL the ult for a reload, it is automatic. canceling it is an option, and its actually an option most dps wish they had (such as pharah.)

And I have thought this through. canceling can be very beneficial to save yourself or simply to use it as a form of zoning and granting space.

But also, what I’m saying is that it gives an added BONUS of reloading, in ADDITION to the ultimate itself. You can CHOOSE to cancel it, and the choice that you actually are able to cancel it at will is a point in its favor, too.

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Okay, so you’re upset that something is happening, but also denying it’s happening at all? You’re either the most refined troll I’ve ever met (in which case, kudos. That’s a subtle and slick one there!), or you’re just crazy. What part of this do you not comprehend? Or are you going to soldier on in the next few months refusing to believe that anything has changed, because I’m getting that vibe from you at this point.

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Pup, I appreciate the likes, but maybe you can explain this to him in a way he’ll understand? Because I’m at a dead-end here. I don’t know what he doesn’t understand, other than his stubborn refusal to accept reality.

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Ironic saying that I’m upset and you proceed to insult me by calling me a troll, I think you are the one who is upset here pal.

“we want to take steps towards scaling back damage”

I didn’t want to do this to you but you leave me no choice. I will leave this here to prove that you have no clue what you are saying. Have a nice day!

Strother Martin “Cool Hand Luke (1967)”
What we’ve got here is failure to communicate
Some men, you just can’t reach
So, you get what we had here, last week
Which is the way he wants it
Well, he gets it

Just let it be, Xorkrath…


I am perplexed myself, but I will try my best.

Vendamar, I understand you are upset. But denying logic is irrational behavior. The fact of the matter is that the devs DID say, and I quote:

So denying their stated intention is either being dishonest, or suspicious of alterior motives by the devs. The latter derails the conversation into conspiracy territory.

Its important to understand the intentions of these changes. It is a holistic, over-arching change that happens to directly impact mccree, as stated by Molly here. Its not exactly a targeted attempt at a direct nerf. that much is clear when you look at what Molly has said.

It is up to you to take the truth for what it is, or simply walk away.


I am not upset in the slightest, but it seems you are.

You don’t even know what we were discussing which I find funny. Please go read before posting.

I say the same thing to you, not that I believe you will.

Asking if you’re yanking my chain isn’t being upset. It’s asking if you’re playing around and wasting my time. And it seems you are.

Quoted for irony.

And now you’ve devolved into “lol triggered!!!”? That’s a pretty rapid decline and not your proudest moment, to be sure. It would behoove you to learn the difference between people having flashbacks to life-altering traumatic experiences…and people having a disagreement. I’ll give you a protip: not everyone “upset”, “annoyed”, “angry”, or “raged” is having or has been triggered. Sometimes you’re just obtuse and they’re out of ideas on how to explain simple things to you.

And I feel this bears repeating: you stumbled upon the truth, decided it went directly against what you were saying, then tried to lie to me again telling me it says something different. Again, I have that tab open and can read it for myself. Do you need it quoted for you, with a broken down play-by-play of what it all means? Because I think that’s what you need right now.

Until then, you’ve been lead to water. You can stand there and yell at the water that it isn’t real, but the water don’t care.

You are free to believe whatever makes you feel better. You insulted me by calling me a troll and that clearly shows who is the one triggered here.

Yes, it is indeed very ironic from your part.

You said that I was upset, you can’t even remember what you say. I just see that clearly you are triggered, it’s so obvious since you have devolved into insults and the like. I mean look at your post it’s almost sad to be honest, I only had to prove factually how wrong you were and you instantly got all mad and insulted me.

wow you guys deserve a thread on your own. this got a bit out of hand. I like your dedication though.

I have to say while I do not agree with insults, I do understand the point he is making here. And with his troll comment, I do not believe that was a targeted insult, I think he genuinely believes you are trolling. That is my interpretation at least. But let me just say right now I do not condone insults, even if they were a response to someone else insulting them. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. And what you didnt show from my statement was the rest of it:

It is my advice, as I used to be a very toxic person and it ended up making myself very unhappy. I am still trying to get better though. If I insulted you myself, I would apologize and then thank you for pointing out my hypocrisy. But I liked his comment because i agree with his points made, aside from whether or not he insulted you (which i do not believe he did)

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Dead eye is still a death sentence most of the time. The changes haven’t done a ton to make it a comparable ult outside of high end play where there is lots of coordination.

And the Fladhbang nerf was huge.

You see there is an animation delay once the flashbang is thrown where McCree pulls his Peacekeeper from the holster.

The nerf makes I so you can only get one shot off during the Flashbang instead of 2. That was a huge loss in potential damage.

Yes, McCree has received a series of buffs. Yes, he is used more as ranks rise. His win rate, however, is one of the worst in the game.

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Thank you for trying to help. I honestly feel a bit bad for him because I was trying to explain that the devs literally said it’s the first steps to an over-arching plan to address power at large. Maybe I could have articulated it better? Maybe I should have just directly quoted the dev notes in the opening response?

But either way, 'Cree isn’t being directly targeted like he thinks is happening. And I was trying to reassure him that it wasn’t like that.

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No problem! I totally understand what you are saying, and I cannot even begin to try and get into that headspace of denying direct quotes from the developers. Like you said, the water doesnt care. I think its clear they will not acknowledge the bigger picture here, and with that, its probably best we try and walk away from further repetition, as it wouldnt benefit anyone at this point.

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Hey Pupinia,
as I didn’t have much time to reply to your original reply going through the patch notes of mccree (as someone else did in the meanwhile), I still want to ask you a question since you seem nice to talk to and seem to be on the more open minded side of things.
When you see a grav, a shatter or dragonblade, what exactly are your thoughts in the moment about those? And now compare that to deadeye. Any difference?

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You still liked his posts, which is an endorsement of it, if you really mean this then take that away otherwise is just hypocrisy.

I am on the same boat actually, that is why I don’t resort to insults like him, I know his type very well the forums are fille of people like him.

But it is very difficult for me to take you seriously when you endorse his insults on me and didn’t even pointed out to him that it was wrong, you made no effort whatsoever, you just wanted to be right. Then you proceed to tell me that I’m angry for no reason at all other than you have a different perspective than mine, so forgive me for not believing anything you say. Unless you do the right thing that is what I think of you, which I’m sure you don’t care about in the slightest and that’s fine.

Btw, since I see you didn’t actually read what we were talking about and only made assumptions based on your opinion I will make it clear to you. I did not deny anything, HE did by saying something that is untrue which I literally proved. I know you think you are right but you just aren’t, I also know you won’t understand/accept it but I still want to put it out there, because factually I am in the right, this isn’t even a subjective thing which I find to be the most ironic part of this all.

She thinks that cancelling the ult is a form of utility so… yeah.

The dev that suggested this change to McCree should 100% be fired. No sane person would suggest nerfing the worst win rate hero with 48% winrate without first nerfing every other hero in the game.

This change actually made me question for the first time whether I should buy OW2 since the devs clearly don’t want hitscans in the game but would rather have abilities and random projectiles flying by. Valorant has claimed most of the hitscans in OWL and will claim more next year when contracts expire.

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K bye mccree

Hello soldier 76, it’s been…

3 years? Wow, how ironic!

sees McCree’s winrate and a not-insignificant pickrate

… yeah. I really hope they don’t go fully back to 0.5. 0.46 is better to try first, there’s no logical reason to nerf him but 0.46 is better to try.

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