Rip bridgette 2018-2018

It is a troll… nothing to do with opinion.


she ruined a great game, and she’s not fixable without a full rework.


I’m sure we will all miss her dearly…


I’m starting to think he’s a troll lmao

Hmm, i see through the bait of the OP but i do agree with Meleenium.

Its basicly bastion all over again. He was nerfed cause people couldnt get gud. had uneeded nerfs cause people cant get good. Hog was nerfed cause people couldnt get gud. Now hes been buffed again. I hope we see buffs for and brig again. We prob wont see brig buffs for another 6 months 2 a year. We have to wait untill people have forgot about her when shes in “G” tier(The tier past F) after shes been nerfed to oblivion.

Bastion was nerfed because he was disgustingly OP, I’m a bastion main and I even realise that.

Sike! Nah we really dont care about her

He didnt need head shot removal or the fall of increase. What nerf do you say he needed?

The nerf to his ironclad? Y’know, the one that could survive multiple ultimates by holding right click?

That was overtuned. I was referring to a lot of his other nerfs. What ultimates are you refering too? bomb killed him along with dragon strike still.

Dragon strike, reaper, tracer, pharah, hog

For dragon strike you had to be getting healed by a healer and using your heal (if i remeber correctly). As for the rest yes.

I agree. I feel like they’re just wasting their time with all these small nerfs one after another. Just admit brigs entire kit was horribly designed and rework her.

i’m sad that this probably won’t affect brigitte’s pickrate in any way

na, get her out of here.

All i know is that she can’t bash through shields no more.
Is there something else?

She still mauls Genji’s to Death, same with Tracer, but she can’t bash poor rein now. That doesn’t sound so bad, or?


The OP is definitely a troll. Claiming 15 nerfs and behaving in the stereotyped way associated with Mercy players.

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Would something like this be preferable.

🛡️ [Brig] Replace Stun with Dizziness

Silver bronze must be the majority of the player base now. Thats what we are catering to the last 2 times she was nerfed. Now shes being nerfed again.

If we are worrying about pick rates why does rein have a 12% while brig has 3%.

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