Riot vs Blizzard ,Riot dunks on blizzard

Huge Blizzard fan since the 90’s here and I couldn’t agree more. For the past several years now Riot has been doing everything right, meanwhile, Blizzard is trying to hang onto it’s glory days by remaking old games and not putting out any new content.

The longer people defend this behavior the worse it’s going to get.

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“Riot dunks on Blizzard”

Meanwhile Riot wishes they had games as good as Blizz

Overwatch > Valorant

It doesn’t matter anymore. They don’t have to make a single new game because Microsoft can fund them forever.

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Yeah sometimes that’s all it takes. Early late 80s and 90s I remember they were pumping out all kinds of new tech for consoles that back then didn’t work but now today people love because it’s more polished. Same for games too

Yeah that’s what I was getting at doom and some fighting games for sure were around but the marquee event was Starcraft that’s how it went mainstream. But y’all are right blizzard didn’t invent the e sport scene just made it commercially popular

I skimmed through the topic, but I didn’t see anyone mention this:

The thing that makes for a successful “esport” or competitive scene is having a community of players that actually want to play it competitively, and supporting that community. Blizzard had that going with OW initially, and, as has been noted by others in the thread, SC:BW had it in spades during its peak; but in both instances Blizzard went out of its way to crush it with SC2 and OW.

OGN Apex, the EU tourney scene, and what have you were huge initially, and the production values were top notch as well. But then OWL comes along and crushed all of that before having their own league ready to go. So instead of embracing and growing the competitive scene, Blizzard kills it, and then leaves it to rot in the ground for a year before launching OWL.

Note that Riot didn’t do this. The FGC still has Evo, Combo Breaker, CEO, Big House. The games that have a strong esports scene also have strong locals and smaller competitive scenes. OW doesn’t, because Blizzard explicitly murdered it.

Also, FWIW, Nintendo and Capcom seem to be trying their hardest to kill their respective scenes and we’re seeing how that plays out the same way. Nintendo just pulled Smash from Evo, and has generally been pretty dickish about Smash existing in tournaments; and Capcom decided to jump on the “try to extract money from tournaments we don’t run” bandwagon. Both have extremely negative effects on their respective scenes, and will likely end up at the same place OWL is going if they don’t course correct.

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People complain about matchmaking in Overwatch, but Riot’s game matchmaking is VERIFIABLY bad.

Unrated in Valorant matching new players against immortals, League’s smurf queue throwing returning players into toxic lobbies with 9 players who are on new accounts after permabans, etc. It’s so bad that it turned me away from both games.

Feels like this will all self implode.

As ex semi-pro in cs 1.6 scene, I was waiting for Valorant since its announce.
I succeeded in that game’s ladder and even boost for 6 months after game’s launch with a good outcome.
However, this game is so boring as any TAC. Shooter by its nature. But not just because of the game genre, the way that game evolve with all these characters being added on is not the best way to feel any control over your matches. The amount of abilities, smokes and other obstacles is ridiculous. It prevents you from the actual gun play on servers with the best tic-rate ever made for FPS. They made a shooter that forces you to literally afk for more than half a round (1 round is 1:40) to wait all of those abilities to fade off, destroyed, and now you can move in and do stuff. No dynamic at all compared to ow.
However, I respect their approach and the way they are working on their games and community. I just don’t like their games due to them turned into something different that we were promised and advertised. Too many updates is not good neither, games don’t feel stable of that. Maybe I am just way too conservative.
Tbh I like overwatch with no updates, but I want just some balance patches that can change the meta and shift the power. 5v5 will pop-off, hopefully because I am already tired of this world of tanks gameplay in overwatch.

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You know what both companies are good at though?

Harassing women.

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The only time Riot tried to compete with Blizzard they got smacked down, but then again the same happened when Blizzard tried to compete with Riot.

Well said.

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Stop letting corporations become a part of your ego. You sound like an offended fan boy.

It’s not a terrible comparison at all. It’s blatantly obvious riot is directly competing with blizzard now. They’ve made a hero shooter, a card game, and are working on an mmo, all directly competing with overwatch, hearthstone, and wow. And what are you even talking about, both companies have one fps game. Valorant isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but it’s technically far superior than overwatch as an e sport, has a better balance team behind it, and actually has competitive integrity respected by the devs and players unlike throwverwatch and devs that ban nobody.

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Blizzard is paying their workers nothing.
Riot pays them alot.

Guess where talented developers, writers and artists are going? That’s correct. To Riot.

riot doesnt have the best reputation either they are just as bad if not worse than blizzard

I’ll be honest Project L is the only riot game that looks fun to me, but I have also always been first and foremost a fighting game fangirl. To the person that says it looks mediocre though it’s a fast paced 2d fighting game that is flashy as hell. I have no clue how it plays in hand because well nothing but a couple trailers has been released about it. If it plays as good as it looks though then it will be a fire game.

Also Nintendo pulled smash from EVO simply because Evo is owned by Sony, it will still be played in other major tournaments.

Never before have I seen a better example of the majority being objectively wrong. Tactical shooters are the worst games in gaming history. There is nothing fun about standing still for three hours just to shoot at somebody rounding a corner and hoping your bullets hit their head.

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bro do you think OW is the only Blizzard game? and LoL is the only Riot game?
big yikes.


True, though they at least have the decency to handle it professionally (behind closed doors).

Thoughts on DNF Duel? I’m just curious to see a fight gamer’s perspective on it.

I’d argue that film-games would be the “worse games in gaming history.” Due to those being classed as “walking simulators” by the gaming community.

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