Riot vs Blizzard ,Riot dunks on blizzard

It was not ice frog that created mobas either …
The first that created dota was euls.
And that was inspired from AoS a Starcraft custom map created by gunner_4_ever.
So the first moba was AoS and the first popular moba was dota.


They have both made both? LoL is more successful than HoTS and Valorant for the moment is more successful than OW.

OW isn’t a fair comparison right now because it’s older and has lost the ‘new game hype’, but with Valorant getting constant updates where OW is getting… well look for yourself. Nothing in years without even a release date for OW2. We’re dead in the water.


I played StarCraft religiously and never played that map even if that is true no one even played that. Starcraft 1 was all about tower defense, ladder and desert storm

Man, we are all very glad that OW doesn’t rip ideas from other games (cough TF2 cough)

So, only on Sundays, and when you think others are looking?

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cough Warhammer cough

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they did not rip off tf2 now if you want to look at an actual rip off look at dota underlords and league of legends teamfight tactics… not to mention lol in general is a rip off of dota

Yes I was referring to the esports division (the game has been around longer than 10 years). There is no question as to the revenue of the franchise (although we can’t see profits because it’s not public).

This is in reference to your claim about Riot being an esports company. If this is their core business, I would expect it to be profitable. As it stands it’s simply a marketing tool for their core business.

The main question for me is whether Blizzard go down this route or the CoD route and I think the numbers suggest the CoD route is better. IPs and titles while esports continues to be an experiment.

What parts didn’t they rip off? Like, it was basically next gen clone of the game.
The difference is OW used characters but not weapons to have the different styles of play.

The line from TF2 to OW is a VERY short one.

abilities? the fact that the character designs and also art style while similar still have insane gaps etc etc

how you play each game is also completely different as i enjoy ow but hate tf2 as it’s endless spamming and brainless tactics not to mention both are completely different in terms of team play

Why are we saying blizzard anyways at this point we should say Microsoft. I think Microsoft will improve on all report games and remain the king I doubt it’s going to get worse.

As I said, they used swapped from weapons which gave abilities to characters, but that isn’t exactly a jump here.

that is an insane jump HHHH

No esports division is profitable yet, cause esports is still not mainstream, once that happens you get sponsors and money in.

Its a long play like amazon did.

They are still the most likely esports division that will first become profitable once esports is mainstream.

They are a esports game company, so yes they are profitable with their product even though the esports tournament handling division isnt making profits yet.

I think you got caught out without thinking about how much Blizzard grabs from other games, and obviously does so.

What Blizzard DOES do well is polish. But, they are not exactly known for creating new genres.

And OW very very obviously is not a great distance from TF2.

Ya it cant get worse than current state hopefully.

But microsoft has a very offhand approach mostly with game studios. Hope they do guide blizzard properly after acquisition and booting bobby out.

What did they grab from other companies to make warcraft 1,2,3 , wow, StarCraft or diablo? They invented those games.

it is… the fact that you think this while having 35k posts shows you are either deluded or a tf2 fanboy

Tell me how tf2 and overwatch is similar especially in terms of game play

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If you looked at this in a mature way instead of as a child, you would see that the question OP poses is:

“What way Blizzard should go?”

“Instead of Blizzard bad reeeeeee”, there is a pondering of whether being an “Esports company” is a good idea given that the leading product in this space is still not profitable after 10 years.

The numbers say they should go the CoD model and as a business, it’s something the wide organization actually knows how to do - rather than esports where they are just starting.

Can I ask for your “non-fanboy” analysis of what Blizzard should do next or is a comment laughing at a fact the extent of your contribution?

robot dont mind skeet he obviously think doomfist has only one CC, you cant argue with people like that.

He will just derail.

Do you want to waste time arguing with this person

Overwatch is obviously heavily inspired by tf2 though it has become unique on its own and improved in a lot of ways than tf2 was.

in terms of character design but the game play between the two are EXTREMELY different