Rigged matchmaking

Sorry, there is just no excuse or “matchmaking bugs” to excuse the matchmaking in this game. Just got out of a game against a TOP 500 GENJI while I am a gold rank. The rest of my team was either gold or below in their roles as well. There is NO EXCUSE for this poor of a matchmaking experience. Playing impossible games like this where you can do nothing just ensures you have to play more matches in order to complete challenges since that’s the only way you’ll ever complete the battlepass.


Precisely. They are salaried employees and had years to make it work.

It doesn’t work, just like them.

Maybe 300 ppl still play? They’re protecting streamers with fake nameplates now. Just like closed profiles and hidden ranks. They don’t want anyone to experience anything. Not even a general chat or LFG.

The entire game is a dark pattern for their store.

f2p fuel the rich via engagement metrics. you just fuel their pop-off moments because the game is ded rigged and fake and they think charging $20 for a skin in a game without an LFG is the way to pay Aaron’s salary.

Call it rigged or broken. It needs to be patched to be playable.

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