Rigged matchmaking strikes again

Just had a 4 games winning streak last night and I knew for certain I’d be stomped today. And I was right: 3 games in a row lost without the slightest chance; completely one-sided stomps. On the 3rd one we lost the first point on the very first push, so I left and the match was canceled. Will gladly take the penalty to screw this rigged bullcrap.


Not long ago I had someone right at start sound depressed over a 3 loss streak. Then continued to blame their teammates for all 3 of those losses.

I just replied back, sounds like you suck as well. After that statement I didn’t say a single word, not to him nor my team.

Not only did that shut him up, but also forced him to play out of his mind because he was so focused on trying to prove me wrong.

Mental game, not a slotmachine.


Question did you stomp the enemy on the 4 wins the day before? So did they have simply had the badluck of the draw? Did you communicate and try to build a team with your players? Did you perform outstanding in all the matches you have lost?

This game is based on the numbers game. If you are always playing above avarage for your rank and play a lot of matches you will climb. This game has 3 types of matches from your perspective: easy stomp, getting stomped and close calls.

The easy stomps and getting stomped cancle out if you play a lot of matches (100+,200+ or even more) as smurfs, throwers, leaver, griefer etc. Can happen on both sides. Now you can still perform outstanding and increase your SR gain and decrease your SR loss under diamond.

Further, there are the close calls. Matches where teams are even and you can make the difference! If you are able to win most of these matches with your impact and accounting for the fact of playing many matches to even out stomps you will climb

So in review: Play a lot and be good.

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Self-fulfilling prophecy?


So you are admitting to going into the match with the mindset that you were gonna lose, and you were suprised that you lost? I dont even know what to say to this…


Of course. It’s easy to be right when you’re the one losing.

Did you prophesize this too? :woman_shrugging:

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4 games is nothing

no wonder with that attitude

it sounds to me that you gave up before you even started to play and when something went slightly wrong in your first game you completely shut down and threw all your games

psychology is not a joke, your motivation and expectations are highly impacting your gameplay


I guess rigged matchmaking is fine when it’s rigged in our favour, like during a winstreak…
Or maybe it wasn’t rigged at that moment, and that’s why you didn’t quit in protest during the third game?


Funny how I can go on a 20 game win streak and never feel like anything is forced.

But then someone loses 2 games and suddenly the matchmaker is the product of satan.

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I wouldn’t say its “rigged”, just a flawed design. I would say “poor design”, but I’m pretty sure it was expensive.

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Yes, and that’s the problem. Most of my games are easy stomps, one way or the other. To compensate for the stomp win streak the system just give me a stomp loss streak afterwards.

That’s an awful way of enforcing a 50% win ratio: instead of trying to create balanced matches with roughly 50/50 odds, the matchmaking makes sure you don’t win or lose too much by creating unwinnable/unlosable games when needed.

Yes my friend, what you are describing is rigged. What are the chance that a player is to have a winning streak follow by a losing streak? The chances are not high at all. A person who does not understand math would say “well you won so much that your SR is to be higher than your skill level so now you lose and get back to your normal SR”, but it is outrageous to believe that 4 games above your normal SR are impossible to win matches.

I would try to take some break from this thing, I read somewhere that a person had a real heart attack because of this matchmaking and I am being serious. This matchmaker can ruin your life truly.

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Lol yep. The matchmaking system said “helghast is on a win streak, better give him a streak of unwinnable games now! The other players? I don’t care about them, helghast won 4 in a row!”

It’s all about you buddy.


Oh no, not a loss! Anything but a loss!

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you got a 20 games win streak? wtf man ^^

100% true the matchmaking behaves like this. Don’t let the white knights tell you any different. These guys are literally insane and look at it as their duty and calling to shut down any topics about rigged matchmaking.

Why would people just hang out on here with 1000s of posts and most of their posts are being condescending towards people who say the same thing about matchmaking? Either they are paid shills or absolute lunatics who are so focused on not letting others get their way they don’t even focus on themselves. They are like people protesting against protesters for no reason. Or people who harass victims of tragedy by calling the tragedy a false flag and claiming no one was killed and everyone is a paid crisis actor. You could be telling someone about getting raped and how you’re coping and they will jump out of the bushes to tell you it’s impossible you got raped because you’re not pretty enough. Just absolute lunatics.


I have noticed…that when i start going on win streaks then me and my teamates tend to have a endorsment lvl of about 3-4… i know endorments dont mean much (i tend to hover around 3-4 myself.) But when my loss streaks start then its when my teamates are endorsment lvl 1-2s it is some what random and by far not a garentee that i will lose because of this but its something notable to watch. And yes when i win to many in a row its like i can feel tha losz coming if i lose one afters multiple wins i simply go play qp or another game so as not to continue the losses and/or get triggered. Its not reallg riged just overly controled and broken system…but its the best bliz is gonna give us.

Controlled means rigged. They are controlling matches in a way where people are always on a downturn or upturn. For 16 seasons. I have never for 16 seasons been in a solid SR range for a 20 game stretch. It is always 1 block of games that are impossible to win then another block of games that are impossible to lose. You can throw every game and still win about 40% overall because it forces wins and losses.


I wouldnt say rigged just because its not like there is someone behind the scenes picking on one person…but its how the computer matchmaker being a computer asigns a number that we dont see based on ur performence each person gets one and it uses those numbers to balance out a 50/50 “chance” of winning…problem is u might get the high number if u played well but then ur teamates might of been playing badly so they got a low number…were as the enemy team might have mid range numbers but overall they might be more balanced then ur team ie u get 8 2 2 2 2 3 enemy team gets 4 4 4 4 4 4…so they skill wise over power ur team unless u manage to carry hard…its the way a machine would balance things sadly they rely on it.

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Omg, what do you expect? Non stop winning? 15 wins in row?

So if i have it right, you won 4 games lost 2 and left next one to be penalized -50? And matchmaker is rigged how exactly? Mentaly forcing you to leave games?

Anyway, if your games are often stomps, that might indicate poor hero choices for team comp.

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