Rich people gather here!


Give me a couple of weeks as I am in the middle of movingā€¦

I have been banned many a times so I am fully qualified to fulfill the position until our glorious leader returns.

I love the gameā€™s universe and heroes! Itā€™s a unique, rich world and I canā€™t wait to see how itā€™s explored further!


Only post i have of him

I canā€™t heal through stupid ~WildPants

Hi, Iā€™m Debbie Downer, and Iā€™m just here to guillotine the rich.

There is a RicardoC, make what you will of it.

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Keep spreading that positivity of yours, my man. The forums really need it.

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Excuse me.
Youā€™re beautiful.

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No! You are beautiful!

This is not what i expected and i slightly adore you for the bait and switch.
Kudos to you for making me smile

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