RGL Community is looking for new members!

Are you looking for people to play Overwatch 2 with?! Join our Family at RGL on Discord!

We are looking to add more console and pc gamers to our ranks of the Overwatch Division! We currently have about ~85 Active Overwatch members in the division between our two clans RGL Kings Row and RGL No Mercy. Everyone here is really nice and friendly and willing to game with you!

Our current Overwatch Division players are a variety of OW Veterans to new OW players to Casual OW QP/Arcade to OW competitive players, so you are bound to find a group to play with!

We offer a safe and fun community to be a part of (Zero Tolerance Policy for toxicity, disrespect, harassment, sexism, racism, etc.) with a unique rank structure for you to grow within the clans.

We host game nights: practice comp scrims fun custom lobbies, comp placements, arcade modes for both pc (Saturdays) and for consoles (Sundays), training sessions, monthly clan v. Clan friendly scrims, and we even participate in professionally organized tournaments every 2-3 months too!! We also have a discussion channel for QP/Arcade groupings, as well as separate channels for comp-console and comp-pc exclusive groupings.

Our main requirements to join: you are 16+ age, you have access to a mic, you are not already in a clan/community (no multi clanning allowed), and you are willing to game, have fun, and grow within the ranks with us.

If you are interested please DM me on discord (krbaker89#1781) or comment below on this thread if you’d like a invite to our server. :slight_smile:

ayy bro count me in =D

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