#ReworkMercy caution and explicitness

A concern I see from another profile is that most reworks have been pretty bad in ow and I agree . I just want the mercy community to consider emphasizing what they like about Mercy’s state in her main gameplay to avoid a rework like symm and torb. Moreover, I think people who don’t play Mercy might want to consider what Mercy players are asking in conjunction with how they as people receiving healing prefer.

Because I can completely see blizzard saying,
“We hear that you want to be impactful and have more choice. So we are removing Mercy’s staff and instead will give her a flat 80 heals and 80 dmg in her pistol to use at her own will. She can guardian angel float but no longer has to be tied to her team. Instead she flies forward like brig for 8 meters in any direction. Her new ult is now valk which has no chain beams but instead we went back and put in the things from valk on release to make battle Mercy more viable. Mercy in valk does 90 dps, 90 healing , free flight, and ulimited ammo.
We really wanted to emphasize that Mercy isn’t one dimensional, and give her more dynamic plays in line with a combat medic. This new Mercy is designed with Mercy’s military like background and made to make her feel more in line with the FPS shooter we are designing.”
Like, cool. Mercy has so many things fixed in this totally different Mercy… Doubt it’s what anyone wants. Mercy and non Mercy players alike. :joy::joy:

If battle Mercy is the ONLY source of healing, I think plenty of Mercy players would have fun. Some will not. Some will. But how would dps feel looking at pistol Mercy forgoing healing for that potg?

As a community, I think people need to be more considerate towards the mercy community as Mercy is only one of what is supposedly three primary healers ( I consider Mercy an off healer rn but…) .

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