Remember this one? We were so hyped about her rework because we thought she would be finally become a decent support hero.
Devs: No
Time to accept she’s a walking failure right now. Her pickrate is worse than Sym 2.0 and she’s even more niche than before. Rework her back into a support asap. You don’t want her to be a DPS. Since her rework there was only one week of her being not trash and you nerfed her to the ground.
Primary: You don’t want her to deal damage
Her primary is useless. It requires you to stay close to the enemy for an eternity to achieve the same damage numbers that other DPS can deal from a safer distance and without the need of charging it.
Unlike other close range DPS like Mei, Reaper, Tracer, Genji, Sombra and Doomfist Symmetra doesn’t have any way to defend herself. If she’s getting attacked she’s dead. Enjoy respawning for the 8783th time because you were a free kill for the enemy.
→ bad design
Secondary: You don’t want her to deal consistent damage
Her secondary is slow. It’s a worse version of phara rockets (which got buffed btw). They have no purpose beside spam them at chokes and hope that the enemy is dumb enough to walk into it. That’s it.
When you leaked her abilities her orbs moved at 30 m/s. What we got were 25 m/s orbs. We asked you to make them travel at 30 m/s as you promised. Nothing. Here is a random damage buff.
Her 2.0 Orbs were even slower than that but they were really good at countering shields. Wasn’t Symmetra meant to be a shield counter? I don’t get that.
→ bad design
Turrets: You don’t want her turrets to deal damage
Her turrets are patethic. You said 3 new turrets will be as strong as 6 old turrets. That was a lie. You nerfed the total damage down to 150. Later you nerfed it again to 120. They deal 60 DPS less than before. On a damage character. And what are the benefits for dealing less damge, having less area control and worse slow? The ability to throw them is borderline useless because they get instantly destroyed.
I don’t mind the less damage but I do expect to get a significant compensation.
→ bad design
Teleporter: The worst designed ability I’ve ever seen
It’s the only ability that can’t be used in spawn because of Reinhardt. That’s already enough to question if the teleporter is actually healthy for the game.
Her teleporter is either completly useless (99% of the time) or overpowered which only happens if you use voicechat and tell your team what to do. Did you forget that Symmetra is one of the most hated heros in the game? And you expect her team to listen to Symmetra? Why did you make Symmetra such a team reliant hero? Not only she isn’t able to stay alive on her own she can’t even be effective on her own.
It took you ages to fix her railing suffering. It seems like you weren’t even playing Symmetra while you reworked her. And despite being a bad ability overall it still got nerfed. The cooldown got increased by 600% minimum.
The only real usage for the teleporter is to teleport her own turrets because it’s bad to throw them. Let that sink.
→ bad design
Photon barrier: You don’t want her to defend herself
Her wall as an ability is fine. It just doesn’t fit her at all. “Reality bends to my will.” What a boring reality you have when you’re most creative object you can think of is a wall.
But the worst part: It’s actually weaker than her old Photon Barrier because it’s an ult. When you need it you don’t have it. So you die.
→ bad design
Why reworking a character by taking all the good parts away and replace them with weaker versions?
Even if you didn’t like the lock on. It was removed without getting compensate properly. If you count 50% accuracy the beam deals (30/60/90) damage.
Her old secondary went throught shields and enemies.
Her Photon Barrier was a good tool to stay alive during team fights and block shatters.
Her Shield Generator was her best ability and it’s gone with zero compensation.
Overall Symmetra’s kit really bad and adjusting numbers won’t fix anything. We have too many DPS heroes. Symmetra used to be Support. Most Symmetra mains don’t like her as a DPS.