Rework pharah already

This is a massive nerf and it solves nothing because it ruins Pharah even if she’s not pocketed. The compensation buff is kinda funny.

Let me please show you how to fix the ol’ Pharmercy issue:


Caduceus Staff damage boost ——> Removed.

Done. Fixed.

It doesn’t fix the problem.

Pharah would be buffed, because she is balanced around having Mercy there, and ALL of the complaints which OP had would still apply.

Secondly you would have to replace it with something just as strong in high ranked play, and you REALLY don’t want that.

All you would end up doing is making Mercy get another FAR more annoying ability.

And OPs issue with Pharah not solved.

Why woudl buff pharah?

If you pull Mercy out of the game, I am pretty sure Pharah would end up needing a buff.

She will be fine. A flying hero still has its uses not to mention still the strongest junk counter.

As she should, she only works with a pocket Mercy after the metal ranks. No hero should need a slave to be viable.

No problem. We’ll give her something just as strong, but not as dumb as the blue beam.

I’m glad the game doesn’t revolve around silver-gold takes then.

My point is saying “It is Mercy’s fault” when OP is saying something, when removing Mercy wouldn’t fix it… it isn’t really thinking the problem though.

I would LOVE to see your theories on what that would look like, because…

It would have to be REAL strong in high ranks, and not real strong in low ranks (since Healing is the other way around).

And it should be something people complain less.

And honestly, I don’t think I’ve seen a single person manage to tackle that problem. It is CRAZY hard to do.

It’s still the same thing, just with a movement speed difference.

Don’t spilt hairs.

Also, almost anything they replace it with, would probably be a bigger headache than Rez.

That said. There is a better Pharah nerf, now that I think about it.

Make it so that the splash damage has, increased explosion falloff radius at range, so direct hits count for full damage, but it does even less damage for indirect hits at range.

Either dependant on where the rocket was fired from. Or even better, use the TF2 method and make the falloff dependant on where the Pharah player is, relative to where the rocket explodes.

Oh boy… Here we go

Unlike pharah you can skip countering almost every hero in the game without being at a severe disadvantage. Countering exists if someone needs some stopping power. Like how you can play a beam hero/winston against a good genji. And a good genji player can usually still do well if he plays his cards right. He’ll just be limited.

You’re making up words at this point. At what point i said i didn’t like aiming?

Just like Ducky said Echo falls down faster compared to pharah. Her flight is usually used as a movement/escape ability while pharah’s whole deal is to hover.

You don’t see me complaining about Junkrat , Genji , Torbjörn , Mei , Winton etc. do you? If i want to play a game i want to have fun not play a be locked behind only handful (maybe even less) of heroes because you constantly see a single character simulation.

Because i don’t like being locked behind handful or maybe less characters because people play a specific character constantly. Like i said before , not a deal problem but a being annoyed of being forced to play specific character(s) problem.

Felt the same when Winton was meta on OW1 (ngl though i kinda liked reaper)
Felt the same when Pharmercy was meta on late Y1/early Y2 of OW1

Counter is supposed to be used as a strategy and is supposed to be optional. We’re not playing chess.

Not to mention that devs said that they are aiming to make the game around less hard counters.

Exactly what i’m trying to mean. Thank you.

Pros also mentioned that at some point instead of dealing with pharmercy you should deal with the team instead and kill her last so you’re right on that definitely.

And agree on the hitscan part. I usually avoid playing widow,ashe because of that. Was using Cassidy to deal with her but recently switched to 76 because 1- It’s easy to keep pressure on her and 2- I kinda started to suck at aiming with cass since i kinda put him down because i got bored of him.

Putting an end note after all these replies :

I’m not sure what people aren’t getting here. I’m not saying nerf Pharah , not saying make her useless but instead saying REWORK her. Make her less of a headache and keep her fun for the people who geniunely main them. People i saw who played pharah usually played for cheese not for fun.

My whole point here is that i want to have fun with the game , play a variety of characters and so on. How fun would the game be if you would just play a single character since 2016?