Rework on Moira?

Not strictly true. Moira can dps with biotic grasp while her orb heals, or vice versa. In fact, Moira MUST dps in order to charge her biotic grasp resource, which can account for a decent amount of healing.

Again, this is false. Her ult heals for 140 per second while Reaper’s ult does 170 dps. Reaper will only deal 90 total damage to a player being healed by coalescence. If she throws her orb before ulting, Reaper won’t make a dent. Moira’s ult also does 70 dps for 8 seconds, which is plenty to kill a Reaper, however he also self-heals.

Moira has much more healing output than Mercy and heals multiple teammates at once. Her orb + biotic grasp adds up for 155 healing per second, totally negating huge bursts of damage.

This is an example of a bad Moira player. Any hero can be played poorly. You should judge a hero’s viability by how good they are when played well.


okay, ive been playing ow for a while now, and i have never, and i repeat, NEVER heard a moira tell others that they are doing bad or they should have more elims. I play moira often, and i dont say that. Why does everyone always say moiras say this when we dont?

Every hero isnt ment to be viable in every meta or every map.

You might be one of the rare Moira that doesn’t do it, but I hear it quite a lot. Moira one tricks do like to brag about medals, specially damage medals.

No but right now Moira is not viable in a lot of situations. Ask any tank main and they prefer Ana over Moira a million times.

Reaper selfhealing is enough to stand a coalescence, i have seen it a million times, Moira players cant kill a reaper or bastion it just dont happen, Moira can do work on flankers like Tracer, Sombra on Genji but she cant do nothing against reaper, thats a fact. He outdamages Moira healing and her kit doesnt have anything (boop, stun, discord, nade or sleep) that can counter heavy damaging characters like Repaer or Roadhog.

Maybe she is not that bad a the moment but i still believe she is the worst healer on the meta, just look at her pick rate beyond gold, it drops super hard.

Yes, it is very difficult for Moira to kill Reaper. He has an escape ability, a large health pool, and self-healing. This makes him hard to kill for any hero, let alone a main healer.

Moira is one of only 2 healers that CAN out-heal Reaper. Orb + biotic grasp = 155 hps, Reaper = 140 dps max and 170 dps when ulting.

Moira is the 2nd-most picked healer in plat and the 4th most-picked hero overall in plat, with a 52% win rate. Beyond plat the pick rate does drop off hard. Utility becomes much more important at high ranks and she doesn’t have any. She has high healing output but so does Ana, with utility. Fact is she just doesn’t fit the high elo meta.

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I am refering to games where your backline is getting wrecked by the reaper. Yeah maybe Moira can outheal Reaper damage but only for a moment, then her heals deplete and reaper kills your team, in order to counter a Reaper you need either Brig, Zen or Ana. I get she is still viable but moira one tricks have to understand that they cant counter every character on the game.
If there is a dive comp getting your backline just pick brigitte, healer can have a massive impact on the game, people blame dps most of times but the utility that healing characters give can turn around games, thats a fact.

My theory as to why most lower rank healers prefer to play Moira over others is the lack of peeling in these ranks. Most DPS and tanks don’t even look out for their healers even when called out to so most of these players end up picking healers that can easily self-peel to ensure that they’re not dying as much. Of course, Moira’s auto-lock aim is very attractive to use as well since she does not need to aim.


Bad players play heroes badly? Consider me shocked. Next you’re gonna tell me that Gold McCrees or Genjis aren’t as good as GM ones. That’d be ludicrous!

Sarcasm aside she is picked mostly cuz low ranks lack aim and she can survive when no one helps you (and they won’t). Some view her ability to kill as more impactful than healing but it’s her job to help kill not actually kill. Worse players play worse and make mistakes.

First of all, Moira barely gets play in GM, besides im talking specifically about Moira one trick players, with shiny portraits, that refuse to fulfill their roles at platinum rank. I’ve seen Moira players trying to solo Hog, Rein, Reaper and Bastion, like wtf.

I am just trying to make a point here, most of people complain about dps not getting kills in bad games. What happens in those games?
Tanks struggle on fights as they don’t get enough heals, so they struggle to generate space for the dps to take advantage.
Moira players believe she is viable on most situation and she is not.
Who’s dive is gonna be more effective? Monkey Dva with lucio and moira on heals or monkey Dva with a zen and mercy?
What brawl comp is better? Rein Zarya with lucio Ana or Rein Zarya with Mercy Moira?
Would you rather a bunker comp with moira and zen? or would you have it with Baptiste and Mercy?

Obviously the team with the utility adapted for the team composition will have the advantage, its platinum rank, healers (Moira players actually) should already be able to understand that specific healers have a better synergy with specific comps. We are not in bronze, we are not in silver, we are in Platinum, i know it is not high, but i’d expect game sense from players at that rank.
Whats the point of having almost infinite heals with moira and Mercy on a Rein-Zarya comp, if you cant close distance on the enemy team? Lucio gives so much more on this comp than Mercy or Moira can, and im not saying you cant win games with those healers, i have.
The problem is when they have a bunker comp on Anubis, your rein cant push in because his shield is getting shattered and your dps obviously cant solo kill the enemy team. Don’t you think Lucio or even zen can bring much more in those situations?

I just dont get why people refuse to switch on games where you are losing every single fight.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results

Moira is better than Baptiste on bunkers and is often a fine but not the ideal pick. Her strengths are shown when flankers are an issue and the team is grouped up (preferably in an enclosed area so her orbs can bounce quite a bit). She also has the highest or second highest healing output in the game which is rarely a bad thing to have. Why do you care what they play in GM while in Plat?

Moria is fine where she is at. either your playing her wrong or your not understanding her play style.

Better than Baptiste on bunker comp??? lol dude, Bap has a inmortality field and a matrix that combo super well with Orisa and Bastion, besides he has the same healing output that moira. Moira only has heals, every other healer have utility habilities that synergize with specific comps.

Low pick rates of certain characters in high ranks denotes the low viability of those characters in the current meta. Yeah meta is not the only thing that matters but it is a reference. The meta characters are the best characters to rank up, have you seen your overwatch videos? or Stylosa? they recommend a set of characters each season to rank up.
If a character is not getting plays at high ranks is because people are not winning with it, it seems that it is really hard to win games with a moira on gm, given her 1% pick rate.
So why you wanna rank up with a character that is only viable in gold? You play comp to rank up right? I see this shiny portrait one trick moira players with 44% win rate bullying dps players for not getting kills and then they complain about elo hell and how most of smurf dps throw games, it dazzles me. How to you wanna rank up if your main has below 50% win rate?