Rework on Moira?

I am a Monkey,Rein and Ana main on plat (ex console player on my second season on PC) and i really struggle to see why people pick moira over any other healer on these ranks. Moira players think that because they have fade, they counter everything, but just because moira is unkillable, it doesn’t mean she is helping the team; Moira doesn’t synergize with any comp at the moment as she doesn’t counter anything.
I was looking at overbuff and her pick rate drops hard beyond gold and drops harder from platinum and beyond, you can look at it at the heroes section of overbuff dot com.

There are reasons for that matter:

  1. First of all, she is not a dps character, if you have four golds and your team is losing fights, you are letting your tanks die while you dps. Her damage output is really low; if you wanna dps, pick brigitte, people forget that she heals while she do dps, Moira doesn’t. Its really annoying to see Moira players bully dps players over damage medals while they fill their role in a super bad way; most of moira players i play with prioritize dps while the tanks get killed.

  2. She doesn’t have a defensive ult. I was playing Reinardt recently and my moira tried to keep the team alive against a death blossom but the healing output is too low so people die and the damage is low too so it doesn’t kill the reaper while he ults, for real I’ve seen too many Moira trying to kill a reaper or bastion with her Coalescence with no effect. It charges fast but it has little value. Yeah maybe Moira can fade away from the reaper but she cant help killing him just as Brig, Zen or Ana can.

  3. People say that Mercy is a throw pick right now but i would say that for Moira. I really dont see a situation where i would rather have her over any other healer. Mercy gets play on owl and she has good synergy with snipers and dive comps, Moira doesn’t and she is not good for goats anymore, people play goats with Ana or Zen.

  4. People talk about dps players one tricking but moira players do the same. Like for real, the medal system is so outdated and it makes them think they are doing great when they have 4 gold medals on BAD games. For real, why most of Moira players one trick so hard? And it’s so annoying hearing them say i have gold damage, the dps are doing bad. Moira is not a dps character she is there to heal and help tanks.

Like ,today I hit my career high at 2640 something, and i got 3 straight moira one tricks on my team. In the first 2 games i got a reaper on the enemy team and we got rolled and all those three games. Her kit is really bad atm and people play her so bad.
I know she just got a buff but i fail to see the impact. Maybe she needs a rework?

She’s good because she has incredibly high healing, way higher than anyone besides Ana, and it’s easy to use. She has an incredibly slender hitbox, can pressure flankers easily with right click, and has life steal, a get out of jail free card, and a low impact, yet super quick charging ult.

While Moira was used today by the SF Shock in a game they won, i will neither agree nor disagree with the whole “she doesn’t fit into any composition” argument. Instead, i will say the argument is null. In ladder, you don’t need ideal team comps just to win games. If that were true, you wouldn’t see torb/symm one tricks in T500.

I do understand where a lot of your frustration comes from, DPS Moiras in low ranks are very annoying, especially when they brag about it lmaoo.


I rather have brig for this matter.

Maybe i was exaggerating but i was thinking about it. I would rather have Ana or Mercy and Zen on dive, Ana/Lucio with Rein Zarya and Bapstste with a bunker comp.

I know, but it is annoying to have a main healer doing dps while they should be healing. I know I am a plat player but I know i can rank up to diamond, i have a 60% win rate in a lot of my characters and i just feel that i just die more whenever i get a Moira on my team.

Of course brig is better for pressuring flankers, but it’s still an ability that Moira possesses, and shouldn’t be overlooked.

Agreed. However, if we have someone who plays Moira, and NOT those other characters, i’d much rather them play Moira.

That’s more-so the players playing her incorrectly, rather than her being trash. It’s a shame that so many people play her incorrectly and give her a bad name. Her amount of healing is huge, and it sucks that people use her to DPS .


As a healer player, first i learned how to play Mercy, like i really dont get why there are so many Moira one tricks. Ana is super fun to play but Mercy gave me the basics, i learned how to prioritize healing targets, positioning, survival, etc. I really feel that Mercy is more effective at platinum rank and Ana wins games at these ranks, people struggle to counter nano rein or nano blade. At least people should switch off if their tanks ask kindly for help.

You are right, but maybe her Coalescence need some buff? I really feel her kit isnt strong enough.

Do DPS Moiras suck? Yes.
Do healing Moiras suck? Far from.

Her ability to groupheal is unmatched. And if you are playing with teammates who use coalescence primarily to DPS, they are using it wrong. It’s one of the most powerful heals in the game. It builds VERY fast and is great for pushing your team through chokes and points as well as saving them in clutch moments. It also has the ability in the right circumstances to destroy the enemy team.

The entirety of your post seems to be your issue with DPS Moira’s. Not Moira.


As a tank i would rather have Ana on main heals always, she can counter Moira’s healing output on key moments with nade and Nano Reinhardt kills a Reinhardt even if he has Coalescence on his side.

Baptiste group heals are better, thats why he is a must pick on bunker comps. I have a problem with Moira dude lol i am losing games this seasons whenever i get paired with moira players. Besides, I am a Monkey main bro so she is not the best healing character for me. People think that orb helps you on dive but thats a misconception.

she use to be the go to quad tank healer. then brig showed up. but if we do get forced 2-2-2. she’s gonna be useless anyways.

only way i can see her be a quad tank healer, is if they make brig into a speed boost type healer (instead of inspire healing teammates near also speed doesnt stack so picking both is useless) then at least she would compete with lucio and also fix goats too. that would of been the easy way out.

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I was looking at earlier community posts and she is indeed very popular on low ranks (bronze, silver and gold players mostly) because of the reason you guys mentioned above. But maybe that’s the reason of the overpopulation of moira one tricks in low ranks, she needs low mechanical skills and zero game sense to get value on low ranks, so people rank out of silver one tricking Moira. But when they get out silver you get these dps Moiras with zero game sense that get stuck on gold/plat (a lot of these players are silver or gold border) as the character has little value and they play her as a dps character.
That’s why no one play her beyond plat, i saw her pick rate was of 1% on GM.

they wont rework any more heroes anymore, we in maintenance mode now boys, the game has a skeleton crew of devs… only 2 more heroes until no more heroes

She has her niche when you need a primary healer that can get away from diving DPS but you need stronger burst heal than mercy. She isnt supposed to be the best among the healers at anything, shes supposed to be a jack of all trades healer.

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accept they have said there are more hero’s currently being worked on than ever before.
yup we are in maintenance mode just because of how many changes the last patch did. they want to let it sit for a while & see how it all pans out before more changes are done.

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moira is fine. the not healing through shields hurt her a lot but she still works.
if she was that bad she wouldnt have any time during OWL.
she’s still being played there from time to time.
its not the best meta for her but she still works

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That’s the problem with Moira players, she really isnt a jack of all trades healer, she is very situational and only is effective with grouped up comps. She is useless on dive maps, and there is people that always play Moira no matter what.
There is too many people that play her incorrectly, why people focus on damage with her? Ive been killed too many times while my moira tries to solo the enemy backline with no effect. Like if i got a moira dps on the enemy tean i roll the team, you can anti the moira, you can sleep her and the enemy team gets rolled because they have no heals.

As someone with a fair amount of Moira time, I personally enjoy Moira a lot and don’t think she needs a rework. Her healing output is significantly higher than everyone else (barring Ana), making her super reliable. Her alt fire and Fade allow her to peel for herself and other supports, which in turn gives your Off-tank less to worry about and provides additional utility. In addition, Coalescence combined with Biotic Orb can provide a massive amount of healing or even become a fight-winning Ult due to its ability to get picks with decent tracking and target priority.

Her main problem is the number of players who don’t know when to be dealing damage and when to be healing. If you can get a pick without one of your allies dying, that’s “Preventative Healing” (being that they can’t kill your team if they’re dead) but if you aren’t positive you can secure the kill quickly, a Moira is better off keeping her teammates topped off.

TLDR: Moira is fine, lots of people are just bad at her.

That is actually incorrect. It is very easy to outheal a nano’d Reinhardt with Moira. Like really, really easy.


That would be great if it was true. But most of Moira players play super aggresive and forget about their off healer, I play a lot of Ana and i rarely get help from Moira players and by rarely i mean that i dont remember getting help by any Moira dude. Last time one Moira player told me to stop asking for heals as i have my grenade.
You sound like a solid and pretty good moira but a lot of these one tricks are toxic AF, they always harrass the dps and play so individualistic. Like dude, last week we were getting wrecked by a widow, i switched to monkey but we had a lucio and moira on heals. I never got heals while diving, we lost the match and i got screamed by the moira main even though she had a 45% win rate with moira and my winston win rate is close to 60%. She was saying that i dont know how to dive even though moira barely can heal me on high ground.

Sorry you’ve had such a bad experience with Moira players then, I guess. It’s true that a lot of people don’t know how to play the character (and Moira isn’t that great paired with Winston anyway, as she usually has to use Fade to keep up with him rather than as an escape tool), so all I can say is I hope more people do some research into how she works instead of being super aggro all the time.


I played today in the morning. I had 3 dps and a Mercy and Moira on heals (which i hate because they can be countered easily by ana’s nade). I decided to play monkey and we rolled, with no need to spam for heals and only 2 deaths. Like you guys said, her heals were awesome, maybe she doesn’t need a rework but a lot of people play her incorrectly (and she is still not viable in some situations), maybe some awareness has to be done.

just nanoboost an ulting moira & see what happens ^^!