Rework for Bastion Sentry mode:

Thought this would be a pretty fun way to counterbalance Bastion’s Sentry mode.


Sentry Mode

  • Less base damage
  • 1.5x headshot damage
  • Tighter spread pattern
  • +75% movement speed increase, while not shooting

Replace Power, with Fun.

And zooming around with a go-kart could be really Fun. But also useful in it’s own way.

It’s also probably pretty “marketable” in a “Getting Twitter/Tiktok attention” kind of way. For instance, maybe make an event where people can earn that Bastion racing skin. Or throw together a Bastion racing mini-game. Maybe with Tracer’s motorcycle, and Kiriko’s bike.

Not the brightest idea to reintroduce headshots into his turret without changing the spread on it. Any range over point blank is going to be a massive nerf because you physically cannot aim for a headshot with a spread this massive.

Oh good point, I actually had that in my notes. Lemme add that.

Fixing how it feels against "Problem Heroes"