Rework Bastion, faster

Most people have no idea how to play against Bastion. And still you Buff that Hero just because you want him in Pro League?

It’s the same thing as Brig, Bastion is basically killing everything that has no idea about Counter-Picking or understanding the Game.

But Hey it’s fine just let us wait another Year for next Rework and in the meantime we have to just deal with it. Of course he’s perfectly fine when you play in OWL where everyone knows how to play against him.

I think we need some more educational Videos about how to play against and with other Heroes, like Rainbow Six Siege is doing it.

So your argument is that people who have no idea about the game should be able to win against someone who understands the game well enough to pick a hero they know they can win with?

That makes no sense.

These probably exist already. The problem is you can’t force the entire player base to watch and understand them. There will still be potatoes who don’t watch them, don’t read educational material on the matter, and (most importantly) don’t use their own brain to think up ways to counter.


As long as he’s stationary, which is the entire idea behind him, he’ll be incredibly easy to counter. Mei wall up from the bunker + storm arrow, anti grenade + winston/dva dive, etc.

Yep, even a little bit of coordination and it’s pretty easy to counter Bastion. Even at high ranks sometimes the team struggles on the coordination part and Bastion reks them. That does not, however, mean Bastion is OP and needs a rework. It simply means the team with Bastion on it played better - because Bastion by himself is pretty useless, he needs his team to support him. So if you lose to Bastion their team simply played better as a team than yours did.

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The biggest reason why Bastion works the way you describe is the “fear factor” of the Bastion. When players on a team think “Oh no, we need to deal with the Bastion” you have half your damage output hiding behind cover trying to reposition. Then you have players pop their head up one by one (trying to hide and shoot at the same time) they just get picked off.

When you have a team that works together and actually moves forward (as opposed to creeping out while behind a wall) he’s not a problem. Without the “fear factor” Bastion isn’t a problem and he’s easily taken out due to being stationary even when pocketed by Mercy and a Rein shield.

EDIT: Widow works in a similar way.

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In two seasons, Bastion will have the Blink and Recall abilities while in Turret mode.

Joke beside, hire a Symmetra.

I just brought this up because recently in an interview they said if they would Rework a Hero, next would be Bastion.

cant agree more, this is how it ends.
But when you dive as one (esp with lucio speed boost and rein shield) bastion cant do much.

Bastions been F tier for so long that this has to be a joke post.

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Actually it’s not Blizzard said that they might Rework Bastion, in the Future. RECENTLY!

bastion needs his shield again as originally intended.

and to balance this out. more effects should knock him out of turret mode. Like hammond’s charge or knock-up effects.

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