Revert the mercy hps buff

i mean they could but they have to compensate her somehow, i mean all she can do is heal really has no offensive value like the other healers

i say revert hps and bring back battle-angel valkyrie, we want the attack helicopter

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No no, please don’t. Mercy is a support and I like her currentl play style


ok give her an ak-47 then

Even worse tbh all she needs is QOL buffs

I think a lot of Moira’s make the mistake of going point blank against Mercy, that doesn’t always work out for them from my experience lol.

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Avg damage per game: 302



Lol mercy apparently has no downsides.

Besides a big one like not having the tools to do damage by herself, on fps. And another big one, not being able to do multiple things at once. A third big one is having zero on demand burst healing and 4th downside is no infight usable utility besides dmg boost which is essentially just her replacement damage.

50hps mercy was downright trash. 55hps mercy is finally in an alright spot.


Another case of “Overbuff pickrates of this Hero are high, this means he needs nerfs!”

Ana being top healer in every rank besides GM and bronze:


Mercy being second most used healer below GM and lower usage in GM:

Mercy is OP REE nerf!

Mercy will drop like sack of bricks once we move to perma rein/zarya meta though.


Wah wah Mercy low skill nerf bls :sob::sob:
Do skill fetishists have any argument to nerf a hero outside of perceived “low skill”


How? You can switch to any other Support hero and generally deal more damage yourself, than you would get by boosting as Mercy.

Plus, damage boost relies on your teammates actually being able to aim and deal damage…whereas when you can deal your own damage, you have control over that. I had a match recently where I played Mercy and got less than 100 damage amped in the whole first round (and I was trying to boost people). Thats probably not the norm, but it’s definitely a downside to be SO completely reliant on your teammates.


She’s not a DPS.

Well her db has been ever since the game existed so I’m not sure why your deciding to complain now.

Down side of this hero is she doesn’t have mass rez obviously/s

they buffed it because she could barely heal anyone, she could barely heal a tank. She was considered a throw pick because her healing was so :guide_dog::poop:
and the fact that your complaining about 55 hp/s is just beyond me.

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Mercy needs to be hit with a huge nerf hammer. She’s being played in almost all pro games and her pick and winrate are over the top.

Nerf her healing to 50 and her damage boost to 20% max


Respectfully disagree, whereas I do not think she is broken. She could really use a dmg boost nerf and some form of valk buff/adjusment to compensate because dmg boost has demonstrated to be a problem.

The thing is… you don’t need to have lots of dmg to get kills… you know.
Also, more dmg =/= more kills. It can be your team feeding, whereas Mercy can focus her dmg boost on heroes like Ashe, Widow, Hanzo, etc, and cause a lot more dmg by getting early picks easily.

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The current meta just happens to favour her.
She’s arguably less benefitted by the meta than Bap and Ana, but her kit favours in well with the double shield poke meta.
It’s the same reason Zen is finally on the rise after being arguably the worst support for the majority of the year. Heroes like Moira and Lucio just don’t fit in as well currently, but can both still work depending on the team comp/map.
If any support seems in need of tweaking I’d say it’d be Moira.

Oh boy, here comes another “nerf anything that doesn’t depend on mechanical aim” thread.



basically one of the only things i agree with you on about mercy. She just needs dmg boost nerfed thats it. Maybe even do the same thing they did with her hp/s in valk but also do it for dmg boost


Dmg doesn’t need to be equal to the % she makes up using dmg boost it makes some stuff 1 shot kill which is what you need and your dps doesn’t have to depend on the healer for shooting when he can do it him self even though it may be less but it is concentrated at 1 place.

she’s suppose to be bad at healing tanks and with 55hps she still sucks at it. it was an unneeded buff