☠️ Revert Symmetra's Primary!

as an ex sym main I can confirm that she’s the definition of throw pick rn

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Symm is quite effective now with new abilities, secondary fire is used a lot more i realise but what would be the justification of reverting vs fixing the current one?

They give you the biggest DPS of all game without any mind set, remove the no skill from the character and give you a Zarya like tracking. Basicly they just give the character the skill level it deserve. Now you just have to learn how to aim.

Moira does not have a soft lock, its just a large hit detection box and it works because of the paltry damage and she needs it to heal. Doing 120 dmg with that size hit detection box is kinda scary.

Nobody likes the lockon bulls*** beam except Symmetra mains and there are not a whole lot of Symmetra mains.


True if not listing the missing bullet points makes them not exist.

If aim is all you care about then mercy and Winston are no skill heroes
Symmetra was designed to support the team with a quick comeback through the tp or boost the entire teams collective hp by 425, was an anti flanker and anti heavy shield comp hero, being able to pierce the barriers with 120 dps is quite scary for orisa, rein, bastion or anyone behind a barrier, her microwave gun was an anti flanker utility that helped kill someone like gengu or tracer before they can attack supports, while still being a squishy and and ez to kill for someone like Winston, heck she is still easy to kill as Winston due to her having 200 hp and no selfheal and slow as heck ramp up. They made her something that already existed, a tank buster and shield breaker (both roles are already taken by reaper and bastion), while not thinking about how is she gonna kill tanks with 200 hp, Rein just needs 3 swings or firestrike+2 wings to kill sym. Winston needs less than 3 seconds to kill sym, roadhog one shot combo, zarya has a better beam and beam damage ramp up in general + splash damage, Hammond will just roll away beyond 12m and shoot her, Orisa will dance around her barrier and use halt to keep the distance + fortify for 50% dmg resistance, D.va will keep her distance or burst sym down with missiles and main guns + melee.
They tried to make her something she wasn’t dus leaving her in the bottom of F tier, removing shield and making it an ult took the defensive and initiation utility from sym, you can’t block widows view by sending the shield now, she will just reposition like it was never there, and the shield is completely denied by sombras’ emp. Even bastion does better job at killing tanks than her with his 460 dps, and reaper is king at fighting tanks with his shotguns that deal a scrap ton of dmg and can even one shot 200hp targets if lucky, sym doesn’t have their self heal, nor their health. She is not a tank buster, she was designed as anti flanker.
Most hate for her came from weaboos and lgbtracer mains for ruining their plans of killing supports and leaving unpunished. Also the turrets are more of a nuisance than a threat, but tbf they are more threatening than sym

God no

20 characters

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Awww silly sym mains finally have to aim for once in their lives.

Welcome to the skill cap race.



The private profile doesnt want to aim

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You really think Symm mains have that much trouble with aiming? It’s just about how the beam feels and does damage that frustrates us… not that we have to “aim”… Also always thinking aim is all that matters :slight_smile:

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It works better than it did before… Unless you didn’t read the patch notes.

All of your damage was increased (including turret damage), the only catch is you have to aim like the rest of the player base.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience it has caused.

No not rly

With the amount of sym + mercy combo mains
Yes I do think sym mains have trouble aiming

aww you cant aim so you need autoaim… :’((

Hello? I think it’s pretty irrelevant to just look at patchnotes and say “this is fine”… it works better then it did before? but did you actually play it? oh no you didn’t cause you actually don’t play Symmetra and are just here to say “haha Symmetra mains have to aim now”

Syms lack of aim was a significantly lower skill roof. So was shieldgen and tp (compared to new sym abilities). She wasnt op she was awful because of her low skill roof. New sym raises the skill cap significantly.

true TP’ing turrets and getting a 3k is so much more skillfull

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That’s only because you can’t aim without an aimbot on symmetra.

So you resort to an aimbot turret to do all the work for you.

And you expect us to endorse your request to bring her left click aimbot back?

Are you srsly that diluted?

Here’s a suggestion, start playing hitscan characters, such as S76, Sombra, for a time, then come back and play Zarya, and Symmetra, watch how it improves your aim because you started learning a new aim style called “Track Aiming” instead of an aimbot doing it for you.

Giving her back her “dumb-gun,” in the sense that it took no skill to aim, would make her too powerful. There’s already no aiming involved with her turrets. I actually like her new primary. I do wish the beam was a bit longer and wider. Similar to how Zarya’s primary is.

You are probably one of those people that like the rework for the fact that you don’t see sym anymore bcs of how trash she is. Also S76 has aimbot as well. If you died to so called low skill weapon then you lack skill to avoid such weapon