Revert Symmetra

One can only hope



She’s in a good state. I’ve had a consistent 50%+ winrate in Season 11 with Symm 3.0.

If anything, she’s better than how she was. A few buffs to Primary and Tele and she’ll be in an ever better place.

I used to want Symm 2.0 back. But I’ve invested 30 hours into this rework, and I’ve fallen in love with her kit. She works much better in bad situations, easier to use on attack compared to both 1.0 and 2.0 and she’s godly on defense if played right.

I’ll reiterate. She just needs a few buffs, then she’ll be perfect. Symmetra does not need a revert.


Could I ask what rank you are in currently? I love seeing people actually enjoy her now but the rework has only made the issue of Symmetra being near useless in high masters or GM worse than it already was unless you have the tracking of an aimbot.

Low Diamond/High Plat. Around that lmao

I would love to be in that rank right now honestly

stats say the oposite though


I’m in low diamond too and I hate her lmao.

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I don’t want a complete revert of Symmetra. I think that would be counter productive to the goal that Blizzard has of making the game a true eSports contender.

Their goal is to reduce inflated hitpoint pools, that remove key plays from the game. When people have an additional 75 shields, and an additional 75 armor, it makes them almost invincible. This, unfortunately, slows the pace of the games, and makes it less fun to watch from a viewer perspective. It’s also almost impossible to crack that egg once it’s been set up.

So I can understand, from a developer standpoint, why they’re trying to move away from inflated hitpoint pools. What I cannot understand, however, is their decision to take away core defining mechanics from the one character that arguably needed them the most to survive.

They took Symmetra, who was ultra squishy to begin with, could have half her effective HP pool removed with a hack, who only had a personal shield to hide behind every 12 seconds, and no escape mechanisms, and hobbled her.

Now, she doesn’t have an inflated HP pool due to her shield generator (less survivability) she no longer has a personal shield to mitigate damage (less survivability) and she can no longer deal damage consistently due to the lack of lock on, allowing her foes to absolutely outmatch her in a conflict (lack of survivability/consistent damage).

So, three nerfs to the character that completely remove aspects of her kit that allow her to maintain on the field of battle.

At least if you died as Symmetra 2.0, you could use your own teleporter to return back to the battle faster. Now, you’re stuck slogging it back like the rest of the slow paced characters in the game.

Her tossable turrets were a buff, but at a cost of the loss of 4 of her abilities to survive, that’s not a good tradeoff. Her increased damage on her weapon is never fully realized, due to the loss of 100% accuracy. If I can reliably depend on 120dps 100% of the time after ramping it up, that’s a boon. If I can hit 180dps 0% of the time, how is that a buff? Top end damage buff means nothing if you can’t achieve it.

To make matters worse, the beam was reworked in such a way that it deals damage over 20 ticks. These ticks are grossly affected by armor, which reduces the damage by half on her weapon. Take into account the loss of accuracy, the loss of damage on the armor, and the longer ramp up time on the mechanic, and you have another nerf to appease the masses.

The only real buff that was received by Symmetra was her ability to deploy her turrets in the tossable manner. Everything else was a nerf, wrapped in a pretty package. I prefer the new alternate fire over the old, but I sorely miss the piercing mechanic it employed. So it’s a wash on that.

All that having been said, I enjoy the new Symmetra. Even though she’s got all that going against her, I still enjoy the play style of the new Sym. I would change the following if given the opportunity:

Primary attack goes back to 2.0 version.
Secondary attack stays the same as it is now.
Turrets cooldown reduced to 8 seconds each.
Teleporter setup time reduced by 1/2. Range increased to 35m.

If she’s meant to be a glass cannon, turn her into one. Don’t leave her in the glass capgun status she’s in now.


I can agree kinda with what you’re saying but they shouldn’t focus this game on OWL. They should focus on the players first.


I can definitely agree with most of that. Her orbs can be powerful now but the piercing was unique to her character and it was taken away sadly. The beam being reverted would be a great change we need to see in the future as well.

Also forgot to mention that in my opinion it would be a bad path to take if OW became only ESPORTS driven. it would become league of legends 2.0

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So essentially you are looking to make defending even harder than before,

this is my problem with the game right now! all means of defense are slowly beeing nerfed to oblivion, Mass rez, old tp, extra hp,

Jesus, if beeing a good “Esports contender” means that the game is purely attack focused then id rather not be one


Yeah, piercing needed to stay. I wouldn’t mind if they had a slight speed nerf to compensate.


Very good point. The game does seem that it’s becoming attack oriented.


No, not at all. This isn’t something --I-- am doing, this is totally 100% Blizzard.

I’m just seeing through the smoke and mirrors and calling out how I see it.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain lol.

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I love new sym. Never revert her please.


You don’t seem to play her very much though.

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Almost all the time you see on my profile was POST re-work.

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I miss symmetra before this last rework, her teleporter was such a strong ability. I loved to play her on attack, and sneak behind enemy lines and put a teleporter there to surprise the enemy team.
Not to mention how powerful the teleporter was on defense.
And the Shield Generator was so good.
We can only hope…


Have you ever played pre rework though?


Yes, She was terrible. No survival, low damage, and her shield ult was only good when stacked with tons of armor along side it.

10 Hours was pre-rework.

19 hours Re-work