Revert Sigma's 1 second nerf

As stupid and small as one second may seem, it’s literally IMPOSSIBLE to block earthshatters from enemy reinhardts with this 1 second delay.

That’s just one example.

Widow/hanzo can easily just walk around your shield for a moment and snipe your support(s) during that quick moment.

A grav could fly past you during that one second.

I shouldn’t have to swap to reinhardt just to fight the enemy main tank.


D.Va has entered the chat

Also gee it’s almost like shatter has always enjoyed very little counterplay


The only official counterplay to shatters is

  1. shields
  2. high ground
  3. baiting a solo shatter (not bunching up), then using a defensive ult

All three of these are good options, but the first one is kinda just not working with Sigma.

I say official counterplay because the counterplay most people take is just abusing map geometry
(I should also mention there are several spots on maps where shatter just fails for no reason due to weird geometry)


Next patch sigma is going to be dead. 1 second cooldown on shield redeployment, 900 hp shield, slow recharge and easy to avoid. And all because of orisa

Nollaig Shona Duit! ~WildPants


That’s the point…it’s supposed to make it more predictable to make game-play easier on the other side.


As much as I would agree with your statement, that 1 second has made his whole kit clunky with the upcoming set of nerfs.

Stupidly enough, I’d rather take Reinhardt next patch do to Sigma’s Double-Barrier to Orisas combo.

That 1 second attempt was clearly the approach first attempt to dethrone the meta and it failed, reducing the HP barrier is like the nail in the coffin for Orisa/Sigma in most situations, that 1 second is no more an essential.

A revert or a reduction would help his kit a lot more since, it’s likely that Orisa will pair much more with another main tank weirdly enough next patch. As Orisa who was once an anchor tank, is much more of a brawling tank when paired with Reinhardt. Sigma’s gonna be left in the dust on some very specific points or gameplay preferences and that’s overall not good. We don’t need another case here where they make the whole kit a joke of a clunky mess.


You do realised they removed the cast time for placing it, right? Just make sure your barrier is in a good spot.

Sigma was even more stupid than he is now when he could move his barrier around that easily.


I feel like Sigma really got the short end of these changes.

They could have gone many different ways with balancing his kit. Like having a smaller barrier radius minus the 1 second cooldown, promoting a strong sense of repositioning at all times but at the cost it covering less and the risk of it breaking if left out.

But no. Guess we gotta enjoy iron wall beat stick Rein for the next few months.


You can stun him out of it, but it is substantially harder. That being said, I agree that the Sigma nerf was too much. And now his barrier is going to be worse post patch. They really want him to block only key damage and I feel the one second delay hurts that playstyle a bit.

Maybe they will revert it once we see how the new nerfs play out.

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I tend to keep sigmas shield in if I can. I throw the shield out when a ton of damage is coming my way, then try to put it away. Not the best use of it, but it works better than I would thought. That way you can have it to block annoying stuff like shatters and dva bombs

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  1. “Shields” refers to mirror matching with rein. Orisa shield? Rein can just walk through. Winston can’t respond quick enough, Sigma neither.
  2. High ground doesn’t work when you have to control a point or stay on payload during OT
  3. A good rein won’t waste shatter on one hero

Rein has always had an ult that has near no counterplay that doesn’t require mirror matching.

They should up the cast time like they did EMP, to allow slight more time to respond

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Huh? Before they changed his shield, you had to endure a .2 second activation delay. Now it deploys instantly, meaning you actually can block shatter with it now.


I agree. They gave his shield a nerf for “counter play” opportunities. I really wished that mechanical skill was the only counter play to anything.

It really isnt, coming from a 4.3 Sigma, considering they significantly buffed his shielding abilities with the removal of the cast time. He became stronger after that patch.

Sigma is insanely broken (120 dmg primary, one shot combo, no footsteps, best ult in the game etc.) and needs HARD nerfs now, he’s STILL going to be super strong even after this next patch.

You should be looking to eat it anyways.

Are we talking solo shield here? Because at that point youre just throwing by going Sigma

Yes you should because Sigma isnt a Main tank, hes an off tank

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Sigma isn’t currently, and will probably never be, a main tank.

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They removed the cast time but if you already have it deployed there’s a 1 second cooldown before it can be redeployed.

It’s instant redeploy made the change a buff. If you’re just throwing it out and forgetting about it… don’t do that. Use it to block stuff you need to then put it away. If you know Red Rein has shatter then don’t keep your shield up, keep it ready to deploy to block shatter.

(This isn’t just a Sigma thing, this goes for Orisa and even Winston too if you know he has it and you haven’t already murdered his supports)

also @everyone else; Sigma is a main tank because his abilities lean himself towards that. He directly blocks a lot of damage, makes space, and can’t peel whereas off tanks only block or absorb small amounts of damage, fill space and most importantly, peel. Sigma is terrible at peeling with the only option being a long cast time, long CD skill shot and relatively low close up DPS. Sigma fills the off tank slot in Double Barrier but you’re really just running two main tanks since they make off tanks unnecessary.

There’s little to counter him because its already easy to counter Earth Shatter.

Stun him when he raises his arm.

Or, actually, just shoot him. If you kill him fast enough, he can’t shatter you.

Does he even need counters at that point?

That point would be valid if his shield wasn’t going to become weak as hell