Revert Mercy (20 characters)

That’s just playing defensively which is also common sense when playing Mercy. Also, “Hide n Res” specifically refers to a Mercy that does what you described:

I watched the video, i respect her opinion but i disagree. I still think mass rez is too strong to be in the game, it makes every other ultimate in the game look like a joke, specially supports. I don’t think mass rez is coming back Blizzard has made it clear that it was bad for the game.

You’re not ending it anytime soon

Don’t get me wrong that was one thing people did do frequently, I was just trying to explain why Mercy’s hiding is somewhat more impactful than other characters hiding.
One thing to note though is that many ultimates have basic ability counters so it is not uncommon for the resurrected team to defend themselves with basic abilities which have had time to cooldown. Like if you tried to throw a bomb then the now resurrected Rein would shield his team safely, etc.

There were also these awkward times where you know Mercy has resurrect so you don’t use your ultimate because you are keeping it for after the resurrect - During this time the opponent team who have worst ult economy now catch you up and get their ultimates because you are forced to hold it. So if you pop off and get ult really quick, Mercy was a fairly decent character to sort of demand stalling the use which gave her team this ult economy buildup that they might not have if they had any other support where you could expend your ultimate more freely.

Well this is what I’m trying to get at here, I think the definition for different players is a little skewed.
It’s hard to set the cutoff because in some examples Mercy only hides for like 3 seconds but in others and where I think the forums talk its a Mercy hiding for over maybe 10 seconds? That just sounds like a difference of player skill to me, not a difference in what the gameplay entailed.

There is still this jarrying moment where the most logical thing to do is hide and not provide support - Even if its only for a few seconds.

The reason it became more a game of hide and seek is because the more aggressively the attackers tried to find the Mercy, the more defensively she would play and it was a mini-game that you could not ignore - If Mercy existed you had to play it because her ultimate was the value of upto 5 kills.

I honestly cba to explain why hide n res was a bad strat so ill just quote this from titanium:

the sr system is fixed


Yeah, it was fixed the same patch.

If they had just rolled out the fixed SR, it would have worked itself out.

Eh it’s not like people don’t hold ults now in hopes of getting POTGs so I don’t see much difference. If anything those people would most likely just save for post rez because those were easy POTG contenders.

“Good decision making by the mercy”
Notice how in all these clips, the mercy flies in even if there is an enormous team fight going on. Nobody can kill her, because she is invulnerable while doing a res. There’s really no risk to basically pressing q to win. And that’s why the rework happened.

Did… Did you watch the video?

So, Blizzard make the Ult extremely OP by giving it IFrames and, instead of going back and fixing it in a different way, is better to have a failed rework? Interesting.


While we don’t have the exact numbers, Blizzard did confirm that Mercy gained a disproportional amount of SR for her Resurrects. I mean, we had patch notes listing the change.

No, but given their higher win rates, they are likely to have been far more active in their games, than those playing hide and seek.

I thought the SR patch rolled out two weeks prior to the rework’s release.

This post implies the Mercy hides for the full fight, If you read my post I’m specifically stating that Mercy’s gameplay was hide and seek-eque without simple remaining out of combat - She was able to actively heal and keep her location relatively obscure.

I’m talking about dipping out of a losing battle in order to allow your team to die faster so that you can jump back in for a resurrect. You only ‘hide’ for a maximum of about 5 seconds and the hiding takes place when the Mercy players gamesense determines that her resurrect will now be more powerful to swing the fight than incorrectly keeping an ally alive.

If you have only one ally alive against 4+ players, and then you heal them you could be making the least optimal play.
You reveal your location in a situation where you have no ally protection, risking being forced to resurrect early or death. you also delay the death of your Ally to the point another ally may respawn, if they respawn then your resurrect will be much less effective.

If you try to heal your ally and instead resurrect your other allies then by the time they come out of invulnerability, the only vulnerably ally is usually focused down, meaning its better to let them die and then resurrect them so that the full team remains invulnerable until they can all take actions again.

The way I am describing the gameplay here does not align with the gameplay that Titanium is describing but does still fall under a definition of ‘hide and seek’ gameplay. I personally believe the description of the gameplay I am giving is more representative of the gameplay that the rework was trying to remove than the description of gameplay provided by Titanium.

I fully understand why Mercy hiding in a corner for 20 seconds doing literally nothing entirely in the hope of getting a huge resurrect to win a fight would be un-viable at higher levels but it’s simply not the gameplay I’m talking about nor is it the only interpretation available for the term ‘hide and rez’.

Not really but if it was then you’d be right.
“If your a Mercy player and your healing your team and your ultimate is up or close to being up, you have this weird moment where you stop healing your team, you go into hiding, and you start to tell your team, everybody die together”.

He did not say

is “Hide n Res” and I personally think that’s just common sense and good gameplay from the Mercy. I mean, if you were a main healer and you heard the enemy team using ultimates but you’re out of range would you join the fight or just run back/hide?

they allways block mercy’s posts

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First thing she says, “they use two ults for no reason” as they kill four of her teammates…IT WASNT FOR NO REASON, its only for no reason if theres an ability in the game that can undo all of that hard work, one ult, to cancel 2 ults, other abilities, and some teamwork to get through a choke. Also your team played that like garbage, standing right in front of the choke without a main healer behind them, basically in one clip you showed me why mercy shouldnt have that ability, effort and teamwork were outdone by one ability because their mercy was hiding.

Missing so many points, but basically, rez cant be balanced against other abilities, no one can justify any other support ult over multi rez, making mercy a must pick. Even if its counterable with good play, doesnt make it ok, the entirety of ow should not be worrying that all my work will be undone by one hero, its just too strong.

This! its just to strong to be balanced against other support ults, and it dominated the game. I dont mind rez where it is now even though its strong, but i think some of these other ideas are great as well. Overall i like where shes at.