Revert DPS passive

Here is the reason why the current meta is Mauga centric:

DPS passive 20%->15% has a MASSIVE impact on breakpoints, especially on tanks. All health pools are buffed so soft triggers like Rail and Stickies are shrugged off during Cardiac especially on 300 HP targets on Reaper. This means off-angling is much much less viable and also that Tracer is also irrelevant due to the fact that side lanes have become irrelevant due to cardiac cycles. (Think Tracer into GOATS, peashooter into heavy sustain comp.)

Here is how I believe the patch should be fixed:

-Revert DPS passive.

-Mauga’s increase of HP in his personal sustain is OK, and allows for more aggressive playmaking in exchange for a cooldown duration nerf is OK. Cooldown should be reverted to 12 seconds as well due to uptime of ability. It should be tested to see if 10 seconds is still oppressive.

If they removed it, and just universally reduced healing by 10-20% instead, it would feel much better.


Tracer is definitely not irrelevant she is still one of the top dps picks

This right here is all they gota do.

healing would be so frustrating, do you know how long it takes to top off a high HP tank with the healing debuff on? And you want to make it permanent? Healers would just go fully dps mode. Maybe a 10% across the board heal reduction, but not 15-20%.

And this here is why they didn’t do it.

Despite healing being too strong, and having been so for a very long time. It was easier to add a passive than to upset all the support players with nerfs that were very much h needed.

The DPS passive actually makes it worse because now support damage has to fight against the full force of healing but DPS damage gets much better returns

If the did a global heal nerf instead of the passive, it would be a buff to supports