Revert Brig’s Base Health Nerf

Well said. Thank you. Why can’t I be as tactful?

I’ve gotten a loooot of practice, that’s all.

I used to main Mercy back in 2016-2017, but after they put her though a rework that made her the most overpowered and boring hero the game has ever seen… I started writing essays on the forums in attempts to convince the devs to re-rework Mercy. Every day. For two years.

It didn’t work, of course, but I did learn a lot about game development and pvp balance in the process of researching for my psuedo-articles. I guess you could say that analysing what lead Overwatch to it’s current state has become a hobby for me.

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It was just an example

This is proof that Brig haters are awful people


So I just showed that every other hitscan performs better than Mcree on a meta that according to you is not for hitscans yet you are still debating this…somehow…

So pretty much 95% of the game heroes have a much higher winrate and we are just gonna say that Brig’s is fine? Based on what exactly? Your opinion?

Just did and please stop. You’re plain wrong.

Moira is viable as I stated above but is NOT CLOSE TO BEING META.
Moira montly stats: 12.84% pickrate and 51.76% winrate. 4th place (and this is considering only 5 healers are viable atm).
Moira weekly: 8.71% pickrate and 54.15% winrate. 5th place (againd considering only 5 are viable).

Both sorted by supports only and at GM the rank Blizz cares for.

Where are you getting this Moira is super good claim from?

Is not this clear after 4 years?
Hybrid ofc. He is like Mercy in a sense.
He is an off healer with a lot of utility that in the right hands can destroy flankers BUT at the same time can be easily destroyed by them. That is due to his extremely limited mobility.

I said it wasn’t for mccree I’m pretty sure, long range dps are good in certain dive variations, mccree ain’t long range dps

21st winrate overall 15th in GM, including the very very low pickrate heroes so realistically she’s 1-2 places higher, 500 is fine

I was talking about how much healing she is doing, which is a lot

Answer the question, what archetype does zen fill, idek what hybrid means. Zen is good in dive you can’t even try to say otherwise

She’s a support, being focused should kill her. Even if her self defense is bad compared to how it used to be, it’s still really good compared to the other supports.

Do you understand the definition of hitscan?
Mcree is one and thus he is considered to be good a t long range or at least reliable…
The fact that every other hitscan surpasses him is not a sign of Mcree not being a hitscan.

Should I quote the part where you said Lucio and Moira were meta along Sombra and Reaper?

Good in dive does not necessarily mean the hero is considered as DIVE per se on the first place.
You have others examples like Zarya who is not considered dive yet she WORKS really well with dive characters. TWO very different things.
Zen works well with dive he is nota dive hero.
Winston is a dive hero who unsurprisingly works with other dive heroes. See the difference?

Brig has either 150hp and 50 armour health or 250 hp and no armour.

Honestly you’re trolling at this point, hanzo and junk are both projectiles are they the same? How about tracer and soldier? Genji and pharah? All interchangable right?

He was designed as a dive hero, when the game was created there was dive and brawl, zen was dive, orisa brought in static poke but that has a lot of overlap with dive so zen can be played in that, he is a dive hero first and foremost

I also like how you just ignore the actual brig stuff when you realise she’s actually not doing bad rn

Are you being obtuse on purpose?
Examples of categories of heroes: snipers, hitcans, etc.

Snipers: Widow, Hanzo, Ana…
Hitscans: Ashe, Soldier, Mcree…

What does Junk and Hanzo have to do here anyway. Making straw men arguments is not helping you.

Just acknowledge that there are hitscans who are better and that is it. So your argument of “hitscans” are not good of dive/poke meta is simply not true.

if you believe that Zen can be considered a dive hero when there are supports like Mercy or Lucio… I don’t know that to tell you.

Already explained the difference between having synergy with dive and being a dive hero as such, but for some reason it is hard to see… I guess.

Brig as a hero concept was flawed. The idea of having a hero who can easily shut down a high coordinated comp was foolish to begin with. Also only a small percentage of players can use dive properly, the rest are still bickering about the attack Sym and Hog Ball torture before even leaving spawn. So yeah if you don’t have team coordination to play Brig, neither does the enemy to play dive.

If you genuinely think that you can go from

Winston DVA tracer Ashe mercy zen


Winston DVA tracer mccree mercy zen

And not get reported for throwing idk what to say

Zen doesn’t compete with mercy or Lucio, he competes with ana Moira and somewhat bap, you aint gonna run mercy Lucio are you

You haven’t really tbh, next thing you’ll say mccree is a dive hero… Oh wait

So does Rein, who would lose to even Mercy if he doesn’t have peel and support, what do you expect when you bring a melee weapon to a gun fight?

You were the one who said “Hitscans are not good in dive/poke meta”.

I proved to you that not only hitscans like Ashe, Soldier or snipers like Widow were good but they were thriving, now you are implying that somehow I said you can replace Ashe with Mcree???

Please, just stop. LMAO

Yeah… I am not sure how to answer this one.
I have never heard that an off healer can replace a main healer unless we are talking about really specific metas.

If you do believe that Zen belongs to the same category of Moira and Bapt we’re simply speaking different languages.

At what rank do you play by the way?

Again no need to make straw men arguments to safe face, my friend.
I have literally never said Mcree was even close to being a dive hero…

PS: Never mind someone just told me about your record debating with straw men arguments and just checked it out. They are right.
Have a nice day :grinning:

Where please I beg you to quote when I said that

Off healers aren’t what you build a comp with, its
main supports (mercy Lucio brig)
Flex supports (Moira ana zen)

For example you can play mercy zen, and if you need nano for a genji, your switch to mercy ana, if you need to be faster you’d switch to Lucio Moira. Main healers and off healers aren’t really a useful term when building compositions.

Masters - GM

Clownary comparing heroes just because of how their guns shoot

Lucio, the man, the myth, the legend. By default Lucio players are respected, Reddit Lucio Gods can pull off feat we mere mortals can’t.

And you don’t hope for teammates to follow you, you are the one to follow them to provide support, I learnt it the hard way.

You clearly and literally said this is the meta (according to you).
Unless Sombra or Reaper can be considered hitscan I don’t know what to tell you.

Then you said:

And I replied that

Showing you that being a hitscan has nothing to do with being bad on poke/dive meta.

Bro stop, literally. Ask anybody else on the matter and Zen does not compete for the same spot along Bapt and Moira as you said.
I am only a high masters GM player since season 8 who peaked at 4.3K as a support main, so I know what I am talking about when it comes to supports.

Sorry, how does these two quotes prove that I said Mcree was a dive hero :man_shrugging:
And yet again, another straw man argument.

imagine thinking theres 1 meta

you comparing current dive dps with mccree implies that they are interchangeable, youre not gonna play widow brawl and youre not gonna play mccree dive

have you never heard the term flex support and main support? that how almost all compositions are built, similar to main and offtank, and no it has nothing to do with their healing capabilities just as maintank isnt just someone who has a barrier

and i peaked 4250 as a zen main in a zen meta, who cares

So now this the excuse?
You also said that Moira was meta and I proved to you it was not true.
Are we gonna go over that again as well?


I mean I have consistently been there since season 8 it it not like I magically climbed with one healer and never learned the rest…
Good for you, if that is true then it surprises me more that you really believe Zen competes with Bapt or Moira.

Edit: Gonna leave it here because we have deviated from the OP purpose.