Reverse damage fall off is a terrible idea and will never happen

Shooting barriers doesn’t feed ult charge, besides, there’s a reason Hog and Zarya or Hog is a throw pick, and it’s not because they’re not meta.

Hog and Zarya will do jack against a Widowmaker or Hanzo on high ground, except maybe a well timed bubble, and Hog is just going to be a walking ult battery without a proper shield, supports can’t heal as well if their tanks push up without a shield because they’ll just get dinked if they try to follow.

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The reason snipers are so prominent is because they just outclass other damage characters, not because of support abilities. They are so obnoxious to play against and make the game boring af to play, I’d be glad to see them nerfed heavily


Hanzo is a short-medium range hero.

He is 10x scarier at short-range than he is at long-range which is why giving him reverse drop-off damage is beyond dumb. However he is played at medium range because he is still a 200hp hero with zero sustain and alright mobility.

If anything, it would make sense giving him drop-off damage considering his playstyle if he is so UNBEARABLE to fight against for you whiners.

People seriously need to start playing Hanzo so they can actually understand his playstyle. HE IS NOT A SNIPER!

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Under that idea, than Widow shouldn’t be able to have both a long range mobility tool and a tool that allows her to see when she is getting flanked.

That goes against her role as a Sniper.

Instead of Flash Bang and Combat Roll, Hanzo has Storm Arrows and Lunge.

Cool down abilities, while McCree’s primary fire is designed to be mid-range. Not the same.

Hanzo’s bow is also a mid range weapon, thats where its accurate but Hanzo is still safe.

Eh what doesn’t he has sonic for hax, leap ,wall climb ,ult that goes through wall and add to that lmg and much smaller hitbox compared to pharah you certainly can’t compare them
also pharah gets countered by any hitscan and she is moreover useless without mercy

How is it bad making snipers use their other damage sources and have weak points?

Window has her normal fire and Hanzo has storm arrows to deal with close targets.

It also would allow dive to be better equipped with dealing with sniper comps instead of getting headshotted at point blank

He uses arrows though, you know that arrows have a big fall off right lol?

Weeb Bow Guy definitely needs serious reverse damage fall-off and quite a few other nerfs, as well.

not really? a sniper having a tool to expose flanks just allows them to reposition.

kinda like how flankers mobility allows them close the gap?

unless every hero in the game had their mobility stripped this wouldn’t work.

are trying to compare real life to a video game when he and genji can summon magic dragons, tracer can reverse time, reaper can make himself phase into nothing and teleport, and theres a hamster that pilots a mech and a talking monkey?

“he uses arrows”

yeah most other characters use bullets. that kill in one hit no matter where you are hit, we gonna incorporate that? or we gonna realize this is a game?

this is such a stupid statement.

tanks have literally been holding the game hostage for the last year making it move at a snails pace and making dps useless.

they were nerfed to be fair so dps could actually have impact.

Sniper isn’t supposed to have alarm system against flanking.

give me one reason why?

Because it’s weakness most snipers share: lack of awareness about world outside of their scope.

Hey does have fall off, You step to the side at long range and he does 0 damage

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Maybe adding reverse fall off would encourage to get good at their defence mechanics. Widows smg, Hanzo would have to hold storm arrows. Just a thought

Barriers can’t do that. Tanks tend to not be very good at that either.

Widow shouldn’t get to have both in her base kit at the same time though.

She either gets mobility or a tool to expose when she is getting snuck up on. Not both. Especially when she also gets to have wall hacks too. She has too many tools that allow her not to be punished.

I don’t care how good someone’s aim is because that is rewarded by getting the kills, but her kit is not allowing people to punish her because she is given everything to counter act what should be her weaknesses.

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then genji tracer and sombra and doomfist shouldn’t have sustain in their kit.

we need to remove genji’s reflect, sombras TL, and tracers recall.

they already have damage and mobility, why do they need sustain?

this is following you logic here.

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