Snipers are meant to be effective at long range I get it. You want snipers to be used at long range cool, the idea that they should be useless at close range however, is terrible.
The amount of mobility in this game means that snipers need to be able to defend themselves at close range. Otherwise they become throw picks in almost every situation because heros like genji, doomfist, sombra, tracer, wrecking ball, lucio, dva, and Winston all exist. They can close the gap easily and make it to where sniper damage is always useless.
It shouldn’t be a loss just because someone picked a hero that can get close. You should have a fighting chance.
adding reverse fall off would be like making it to where after tracer blinked she did 40% less damage. youre supposed to be weak at range, so when you use an ability that closes the distance you should do less damage right?
that’s the logic reverse fall off follows.
youre supposed to be weak close range, so if someone gets close your damage should be useless.
there is far too much mobility in this game to force snipers to have a certain distance before you get your damage potential.
If you do not like snipers that’s fine, its not a reason to make them unusable. unless you are going to completely kill off mobility in this game, its not possible.
You need things like snipers in this game otherwise you lose the ability to have heros like tracer and genji. An equalizer is needed in the game. You need the ability for skill to shut down utility. otherwise abilities like immortality field, antiheal, primal rage, and shields.
otherwise they all become too good and you have to remove them.
without snipers to burst down an IF and be able to quickly kill afterwards, it becomes too much and you have to remove it.
without snipers to be able to 1 shot through trans it becomes effectively uncounterable with only ana being able to counter it, resulting in a must pick of ana every time a zen is picked. or the ultimate needing nerfs.
without snipers a lot cant exist in this game.
Snipers are only so prominent because support power creep has made anything but their damage unusable. with the addition of abilities like IF, a burst heal to anas nano, abilities like trans, and sound barrier, buffs to fortify, and revert to armor nerfs there is nothing a dps without sniper damage can do.
the reason snipers are so prominent, is support power creep is making anything but snipers unusable.