Returning after a few years away

So I decided to come back a play a bit of Overwatch after being a way for a few years. Can anyone explain to me what has happened with the quality of matches? In OW 1 I would get a bad game here and there with people being lost. It happens. After doing placements on each role over the past few days it seems like it is every game.

What am I missing here? Is it that is is free to play or do people just not care about comp anymore? The range of games has everyone within a rank or so. All the games have just been so terrible to play. Win or lose. Is this what is to be expected of the games now or will the games get better?

Maybe the games were like that due to placement matches? Any insight would be appreciated. I would like to continue to play the game if the matches would be more balanced. Having the games be landslides for one side or the other is just not enjoyable.


Well even saying GG in the wrong tone can get you banned, so as a baseline nobody communicates anymore. The culture of the game is dead, OW2 was the last nail in the coffin after the embarrassment that OWL was, was forced onto the community. Log in, run at the enemy, log out.

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The matchmaking has been INCREDIBLY loosened since the OW1 days, in order to REDUCE QUEUE TIMES.

So whilst the queues times are fair unless you are high rank, the match quality is absolute dogwater most of the time, just to maintain short queue times.

The problem or issue is, you can’t have close matches and low queue times so something needs to be sacrificed.

Blizzard chose match quality to march to the altar.

If you want better matches, unfortunately you need to ask Blizzard for longer queue times. That’s the only way we can both meet in the middle.

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I’m also back now for a couple days following an almost year long break… I’d say you are lucky you missed out on pay walled heros / season passes or w/e those were but:

All of the problems that OW1 had still exist now - some times bad match makers / de rankers / boosters / cheaters / bad coms some times (although IMO this has never been a serious issue at any point in OW history… you’ve ALWAYS had the ability to mute and report and block players so IDK… In all my years playing I’d say maybe 1 in 50 games had a truely toxic person requiring a block and report).

If you were okay with the level of the above before? Yeah nothing what so ever has changed. The only thing you’re missing is w/e incremental changes to gameplay/hero design + new heros have been introduced and nothing else IMO.