Returned to OW after 2 yrs, what has happaned to rating?

So ive returned to OW after a looooong break, and ive noticed Open Queue and Role Queue, so ive tried the Role Queue, and boy oh boy, ive only played with Silver and Gold. I used to be upper Plat/Diamonds, but perhaps that does not mean anything anymore? perhaps they have changed rating and put ppl on lower brackets. But they sure do play like silver :confused:
I just want to know how to approach rating after so many years. And maybe what to expect from the playerbase

I can sum up what comp is like in 4 words. It is a joke. Iā€™ve been playing for a little over a year and this is by far the worst comp season. Nobody takes it seriously, the meta is Rein/Zarya, McCree/Tracer, and Bap/Lucio from what I understand. If you donā€™t play these heroes people will say that you are throwing. Honestly, unless you want to try it out more, I would just recommend QP or any arcade mode. Oddly enough players take those modes way more seriously.

Sorry that the first time you have played in years is like this. Season 26 was probably the last best season. No lie, I spent all of my tank placements playing with people that obviously didnā€™t know how to play Rein (they would charge into the full enemy team with no backup any chance they got). Tank is one of my best roles and I only won one placement match whereas last season I won all of them.

Disclaimer: Last season I was gold for tank/support and silver for dps. This is on my main account which is Nintendo Switch. My experience is different compared to most on other consoles/PC. I will mention this, even though I am in low elo ranks, I have never experienced so many bad teammates before this season. There would be moments where I would have a losing streak, but it was never this bad. These players act like they are either:

  1. Throwing.
  2. Never played x role in their entire career.
  3. Just got to level 25 and wanted to play comp for points to get gold weapons.

I enjoy playing this game, but for the time being, I would recommend not playing comp.

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I used to be low plat for the old version of comp (what is now called Open Queue), and now Iā€™m considered silver and bronze for every Role Queue role. I did at least my placements every season, and I can tell you that I slowly went down each time, but there was an especially large drop in the transition between the old system and the new Role Queue/ Open Queue system. So I think itā€™s a two-fold issue: The obvious problem of not playing the normal game much caused me to not improve or even get worse over time while the people who play comp or qp a lot slowly got better over time, and the less obvious situation of the new system more accurately ranking my individual roles. The strange thing about the second one is that my dps ranking (which is my best) also fell compared to where I used to be even though it was no longer being dragged down by attempts at playing support and tank. And my Open Queue ranking (for the couple seasons that I bothered with it) also fell relative to where I used to be. I can only figure that this is the first issue at work, and I just got significantly worse compared to others. Also, game balance can cause you to fall if you play the same heroes a lot and they got nerfed or others got buffed. Thereā€™s a lot of factors, but I think these things probably apply to you as well. I donā€™t know if rating decay sets in at plat/diamond. I donā€™t think thatā€™s high enough yet, but Iā€™m not positive. Either way, welcome to Elo hell. Youā€™re going to have to grind a lot to get back to where you were. Just remember that the meta doesnā€™t really matter to people below GM, because only GMs can actually pull it off the way itā€™s supposed to be. And only top 500 can even approach the way this game is played at pro (and I mean tier 2 and 3, not OWL) levels.

Only the hardcore are left. All those disappointed with their rank have gone. The plats of two years ago are now high silver or low gold. People have played a lot and gotten a lot better while youā€™ve been away.

If they are playing a lot worse than you then youā€™ll quickly climb.


Role queue is a complete sh@#show due to gifted SR rating combined with a matchmaker trying desperately to keep people where IT thinks they should be vs where they really should be (makes their drop very slow).

You forgot the 8+ known patents on rigging. Which ones are in OW? Weā€™ll never know (well we will, because some of them show OW screenshots). But we know the stance on the subject - actively rig at every turn. Every patent is permanent attempt to rig the ladder, delete esports integrity, and manipulate player psychology. There are no patents on fairplay and no transparency to show otherwise. And still no comms defending the ladder as being unrigged. Itā€™s a fully-backed vision to hard-rig all the matches.

And itā€™s oppressive, so people moved on.

Thatā€™s the unfortunate reality of a game with a dwindling population and players moving onto Battle Royale games like Fortnite, Apex legends or whatever the latest Call of Duty is. Iā€™m kind of hoping OW2 will revitalise the game. Where are the new maps and heroes we were promised with OW 2 :frowning:

But hey I have my extremely large catalogue of games I need to finish anyway.

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If you havenā€™t played for 2 years you canā€™t expect to be just as skilled as you were before you quit.
Youā€™re just washed up because you havenā€™t played in a while. Keep playing more and youā€™ll be fine again.

To answer your question, no, that you were plat/dia 2 years ago doesnā€™t mean anything anymore.

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