Return OW to no limits!

this is for all the people who dislike role queue

i have afeeling deep down inside that oneday, someday that ow will return to no limits!

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Honestly 6 doom mains on one team sounds like a nightmare out of hell


if ya wanted to pick flowers, you shoulda gone and picked some flowers!

I hate flowers.

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you bring up an interesting point

No. RoleQ is here to stay.

You do realize that there’s still arcade for those who doesnt like roleQ right?


You want an entire team of nothing but Moiras?


This ia very bad post

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No Limits Quick Play was one of the worst things about OW back in 2016…

I honestly can’t remember it being fun or even fair. I remember going up against 6 Bastions on Eichenwalde Attack and 5 Junkrats + 1 Zen on Nepal. no thanks…


that’s because it wasn’t balanced properly How to Perfectly Balance the Game

they took the easy way out. I can see both sides of the argument

and I also think No Limits was removed with OWL in mind on the horizon

bastion only rolelock when

we need no limits mayhem at least once a week

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Watching them all flail around helplessly when they walk into an 18-turret, 6 TP sym nest would be hilarious.


can you imagine six photon barriers appearing at once in all random directions centered on the point lol, enemy team would not be allowed to shoot anything