Retiring from Overwatch due to Blizzard's Greed

Ever since 2019, I’ve started to play Overwatch and from that year in April until now, I’ve been having fun with the game, with collecting everything from loot boxes, becoming an Overwatch collector and all was just amazing…

Well…until the day happened…the game went Free to Play and it just shattered myself to pieces…now, in order to get new skins now, you’ll have to pay 20 dollars just for a skin in which isn’t even worth anymore. I understand that going F2P means you have to do that route, but the prices are just so out of reach for poor people, such as myself that being an collector for this game is all I had left, since I’m not good enough to even reach Masters in Competitive.

And remember where in events from OW1, we can get the skins that we enjoyed? Well not anymore. After hearing the newest trailer of the Halloween Event, for Existing Overwatch 2 players, you HAVE to buy the new JunkerQueen and Kiriko Halloween skins for 40 dollars, which is just dumb entirely.

And they also had the nerve to do $40 dollars for skins, you basically got for free in OW1. And as for getting credits, the max you can get is 540 PER SEASON, which is every three months and it’s nowhere near enough to reach 1900 for a Legendary skin. It’ll take you a YEAR to get one legendary as a F2P IF you go all the way, which is obviously not worth it.

So…with not being a Master or an collector along with other issues…I’m officially leaving Overwatch…at this point the game went to the dark side with Apex: Legends and Valorant…only getting items in the game by paying with money…and although Genshin Impact does the same, AT LEAST they hugely make it up by giving us so many F2P Primogems, to at least get us at least up to 60 free pulls per update or even more to at least get us a character. Overwatch, just wants you to pay everything.

Honestly crying right now because I believe in game hours…I wasted at least a year when I could’ve been doing other stuff right now…to the people who work here who made this game F2P and forcing us to buy everything instead…well, you officially lost several people from that including myself. And what’s worse…is that I don’t even know what to say to my favorite Twitch streamer who plays the game everyday. 100% nice guy, but there’s no point in myself watching something I’ve gave up on…

So for all console players…you won’t see the username JovialW anymore sadly…and I wish you all the very best, since it will be my final post here. Good Luck with your future days and hope that in the afterworld(or any other next world) we will live in one where money won’t be the death of us all.

Wish you all the best.

From JovialW


if you cant collect it all then what is the point in collecting much of any of it… and $40 is absurdly greedy! do they think we are made out of money? $60 used to get you a whole freaking game… hell you can still get a whole freaking game for that or less! games that dont ask you for more money all the time this is just sick and wrong and dumb!

Like seriously freaking dumb! i mean they are undermining the whole point of why the skins have any value…

They are just gonna get a lot of collectors rage quitting the game

I would blame the greed on fiduciary responsibility and the flawed corporate model of capitalism but this is just moronic incompetence that gonna self sabotage them.


Sadly, this is most likely going to be a trend for the future… I do not see them changing, or trying to fix what they have done. No hints of a better future…

I, myself, am going to finish off this BP then stop playing for a while. Only play if I have the inch too… Seeing how I have 6 years of skins, there doesn’t seem to be much to progress for me.

These new BPs better have some whooper of items, or a try to pick a non-obvious new character for the customization… Sadly, It will most likely be Tracer or Hanzo… if history rhymes…

Pure lack of imagination, and their only goal is money…


Yup, same here, just saw the trailer for the new “event” all they’re giving us for free is sprays and icons, and going to be attempting to sell half a decade old skins for $50, screw Blizzard, screw Activision. Can’t wait for this company to flop.


Meanwhile you think you’re the guy to listen to on game balance changes?


you know what else is 40 dollars? god of war on steam until the 31st. i wonder which is a better value for my money, hm…


59k posts, am I supposed to know you or something? Seems like you practically live here, or are a Blizzard shill.


Maybe not. I’m just a guy who makes a lot of design suggestions, and is very much against the “Design Overwatch Roles like it’s an MMORPG” that you keep posting about.

How can this game survive? - #10 by GreyFalcon-11737

you know what else is 40 dollars? god of war on steam until the 31st. i wonder which is a better value for my money, hm…

That is what I do with F2P games. Go… I could buy this, OR… (loads steam) I could buy these…

Saves me from dishing out money to these companies that think that 15-150 dollars for some vanity item is worth it; looking at you ESO and you Mansions for 150 >.>


that’s actually one of the ways i was coaxed out of compulsive spending habits, which really says something about how predatory these cash shops are. diversifying media interests and using money i would spend on mtx to instead get something else entirely…and y’know what, instead of dumping $300 on FF’s Mogstation i bought the Dishonored series and it kept me occupied for months. i look forward to doing the same for GOW, or hell, there are tons of great indie games out there right now

its just sad that the future of a game that used to be a retreat from predatory online cash shops will instead be another instance of me searching for what else to play. it is what it is, i guess. all we can do is hope that blizzard makes less from this than they expect


Who would want this game to be anything like a MMORPG? I want a competitively integral shooter, which we currently don’t have in OW2, in the mechanics or ranking system, and especially not in Blizzard currently.

Maybe you should try playing Quickplay or Ranked instead of the galery. Like, i get that new skins are cool and it´s nice using them, but jeez… the real thing we are here for is the game and it´s core

I get it, they’re bad prices. But you don’t have to buy anything to have fun.
But if collecting things really gets your goats grazed, try a cardgame in the real irl next time. Your investments tends to only go up over time (with first editions, at the very least)


It is tough. I didn’t realise that f2p removes the entire progression system from the game, forcing you to pay for it. But at the same time paying for it isn’t enough because they are still charging for skins separately in the store. So to complete everything would cost a FORTUNE!

Worse still, a f2p player gets no sense of progression. There are no rewards for them or incentive to play unpopular roles like support. No point in events or getting a high endorsement level. No point in grinding at all. Nothing.


i can’t even imagine playing this f2p, or even coming in as a new player. play like 30 games, your interest is piqued in new skins, and…wow, okay, the sum total cost of OW1 cosmetics alone are over $12,000
good game, blizz


I lasted 4 levels, as a F2P… then I just got the BP… and I own 85% of the old OW1 skins, including a few rare ones like Blizzcon ones.

I just need SOME progression… But they really need to add coins in that BP… 6+ months, for 1 skin… is insane.


Ah, yes, famously inexpensive and completely accessible card games. Definitely cheaper than the OW shop.

Also not every game is exactly a great time. Occasionally you get teamed with people who are fully tilted before you even leave spawn. Collectibles took some of the sting out of the harder games.


When I saw the price of the Halloween skins from previous seasons in a bundle I couldn’t believe it. I own them all I think from OW1 but they are charging a fortune for them. It is a completely different world to what it was before.

Also the new hero unlock - lvl 55 is really really high for a f2p account with no xp boost.

I’m not sure I can be bothered with all this. There are no rewards anymore and everything costs a fortune except the battle pass but I resent having to grind it. The system is rubbish.


I’m close to this point as well.

I was even willing to commit to buying/earning every battle pass to collect the mythic skins for every hero, since that’s the only thing you can realistically get “all of” now.

But the total lack of care they have shown for this game makes me feel like an idiot for caring about it myself. There’s nothing creative and vibrant and joyful about this game anymore. It’s no longer a fun place to log in when I’m just bored and looking to waste time.

Blizzard clearly doesn’t care about this game the way players have for the past 6 years. They used to get visibly excited to share whatever new things they had for us, now we just get a blog post with some perverse new wealth extraction scheme they’ve cooked up.

I really do just feel like this game is a total waste of time now. It probably always was, but all the wires are visible now and the magic is just gone. Easily the most disappointing release I’ve ever experienced, of anything entertainment related.


You mean Activision’s greed, Blizzard died back in 2008 when vivendi sold it off allowing Activision to take over. Then blizzard was finally buried in 2018 when Morhaime jumped ship.