Resurrect cast time should be dependent on character health

There are a lot of things that make it frustrating to play against - and sometimes with - a Mercy player. Her ridiculous movement, her tiny hitbox, how she’s basically built to just pocket a single person all game. Of all her annoyances, Resurrect is arguably the most egregious. The ability to bring someone back during a fight is enormous, made even more so since the game changed to 5v5.

Thus far, Blizzard has done nothing to compensate for how much stronger Resurrect is in OW2; they’ve actually made it even more of a problem by buffing Mercy’s movement while ulting. I don’t know how to perfectly solve the problem, but one idea I think makes sense is to make it take longer to bring back someone with more health.

It feels logical to me; a 700hp Roadhog shouldn’t be brought back to life as quickly as a 175hp Tracer. At the very least, there should be a universal increase in cast time for resurrecting Tanks over the rest of the roster, as they have a larger impact on the game by design. If nothing else, this can at least give the opposing team a little more time to react and potentially prevent having to kill a tank twice in one fight.

I’d be curious if anyone has arguments against this.


Baby D.Va is only 175 hp


so only 0.9-1.1 sec cast time for tracer and about 2 seconds for a hog?


Maybe a fixed time for the actual rez, but make it so she has to continue channeling to heal them further than 1 hp, with the heal rate increasing as she channels so she doesn’t spend seven years rezzing a Hog or Mauga. The ability would be less all-in, but you can interrupt part of the value easier.

i think that rez should cost health from mercy, fill up partial health if the mercy is low, or it should rez the enemy with only partial health if it gets interrupted after full cast

I think it should have a faster cast time overall, but should be an earned ability (like damage boost x amount to use it)

I think it’s harder to rez tanks to begin with since they’re on the frontline, so it has that as a “cost”. But I agree that it’s annoying to fight a tank twice, especially at metal ranks where people aren’t as likely to disrupt the rez.

Edit: Actually expanding on your idea, maybe it could have a base cast time, and an additional cast time where it shows the hero’s health increasing. The longer you cast rez, the more health the target will have when rez’d. So you can still rez tanks, but it’d take longer to rez them with full health.

It should be stronger. Without this ability the way it is, I feel like Mercy might be next to useless/ a throw pick. Mercy’s healing output isn’t as useful as it used to be. She needs that “OP” ability that makes the enemy frustrated similar to suzu, lamp, discord, ultra-speed etc.

Adding extra time, or a “longer you rez - the more health they got” slows down her flow and makes her more of a sitting duck - her movement is designed specifically to make sure she’s not a sitting duck. I feel like this would be counter-intuitive to her design.


If their tank is dead, then who is physically stopping you from contesting Mercy’s rez?

Like I know the fashion these days is to make every excuse in the world to avoid learning how to play against Mercy… but when the enemy team’s tank is dead in the middle of the teamfight (or, if it’s a dive tank, in your own back lines) and you let the 120lb blond woman with no primary weapon just womble up and rez him…? Mercy’s design was not the problem there.


I agreed to this for a while. Something in me kind of changed and I gave up on it, but it would be an interesting change. I think right now in the current state, Mercy is coerced into:

  • Saving Rez exclusively for her pocket
  • Saving Rez exclusively for her tank

It’s unhealthy for the community that this move is not reserved for big plays and is typically wasted on “big health tank = must rez”. But that’s the game we play, so…

Controversial opinion but I adored Eskay’s community mode changes to Mercy. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. But it was fun, made sense, and took away my hate for Mercy. If you missed it, it was: Resurrect is now instant. However, the player returned to life dies again in 10 seconds.

Again, not perfect. But seems wholly more balanced than the real thing. It was also fun as hell playing this with teammates. We actually had fun. I got some guy screamin “bro bro bro imma zombie imma zombie” and it took a bunch of people by surprise. It was great.

Mercy is straight up garbage. She’d need a rework before touching res. Often I kill her when she tries to res and if she pulls it off sometimes you can kill both of them. They’re sitting ducks unless in the back line with no flankers around.

This isnt even a good fix.

Youre so close but so far, the reality is rez needs to only bring people back at a percentage of health, like 35/50%. I wouldnt know the actual right number right now.

But its always been crazy to me that it was considered so overpowered when Echo would get her 200hp bar filled after being knocked out of Duplicate that it had to be removed, but somehow we’ve looked at Mercy for all of Overwatch 2 bringing back 700hp one-shotters at full health at a much more frequent rate and never questioned why the basic ability is allowed to do what was deemed too strong or too unfun for the ultimate to do.

This change just makes braindead rezzing and focusing the tank with rez less of the ideal play, which frankly is what people hate the most about this ability, turning the tide of a fight by sacrificing yourself just to rez the stat stick back to full HP, or never rezzing anyone but her pocket and having to deal with all over again.

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Resurrect has a LOT of down sides. She has a longer CD than ANY hero in the game, her cast time is longer than most ultimates (making it longer would actually be crazy), she has 75% less movement speed outside of ult which isn’t that much more, resurrecting a tank esp a now solo tank is the hardest resurrect to get off because you now have little to no space, and she can not do anything else for that duration. These restrictions also make it pretty difficult to do through out the game which is why the average resurrects is so low. Nerfing resurrect will make it pretty unusable. My best advice is after someone dies and there is a Mercy, be mindful and look for her to try top pull it off.

With that said, resurrect sucks. It sucks for the enemy team and it sucks for the Mercy using it. It’s gotten painful to play her and resurrect I believe is a big reason why. She just keeps getting chipped away ever since she’s gotten her rework. I think it should stay but be put in her ultimate in some way esp because Valk feels pretty bad rn. I would suggest making the cast time a little shorter and dropping 2 charges in her ult. It would give her something to DO in Valk and also be earned, feel impactful and not happen as frequently as it does currently. Remove it from her CD and again give her something to do. Right now it doesn’t feel like it’s worth it to use 99% of the time and it sucks. It’s also frustrating when it IS used from the enemies. Her kit can then can be adjusted from there. I think people would like a Mercy on their team more if she had a different CD that can help mid fight more.

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I almost never see her pull one off, since there aren’t two tanks to protect her, I usually kill her whenever she tries…

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If Mercy gets to rez her tank, your team got outplayed.


Tanks, yes. Health, no.

At that point, there would be more drawbacks to being a DPS with 300 HP than there are benefits.

Bullet size got buffed.

That really sucks as a design and i hate it.

She used to move faster than this. The devs actually nerfed the cooldown and speed from what it used to be before the light rework.

So we can bring tanks back on half health then? There’s no reason to nail down the mercy for longer than 1.7 seconds.
If she can rez a 300 hp reaper in that time, then surely she can bring a tank back at 300 or 400 hp in the same time?

I’d rather she’d have to score eliminations to unlock a rez. But some other mercy mains would complain loudly XD

If they nerf rez, the devs would be free to buff her heals a little.

I actually started hating having a mercy on my team, and remembered why it was so good to give her a 1.7 cast time on rez.

Makes absolute sense , cause tanks are also way more oppressive , a value a tank brings and a value a dps brings mid fight rez is sky and earth , I’d rather want to rez my mauga than my soldier cause I know he will die soon so yeah rezzing tanks or higher pool heroes should cast more time however mercy should also be compensated in some way , like increase movement speed on next ha flight after successful rez.