Restore Torb's Armor Packs

Torb’s armor packs should be brought back, but just provide less armor. Replace the middle skill of turret self-destruct (which doesn’t really serve any function right now) so that instead of Scrap it works off a standard cooldown. It only provides 50 armor, but up to 5 can be on the ground at a time. Maybe a 6-8 second cooldown.


self destructing the sentry gun allows you to place another one 5 seconds sooner than if it were destroyed otherwise - as long as you destroy it when it’s not in combat. So yeah, that skill is useless.

The sentry gun feels weak and insignificant now, it doesn’t kill anyone. Not even a DVA without her mech 1v1.

Torb needs somethin to feel useful.

I bet they just removed this one because it’s gonna be in another new healer hero…

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Armor! Come get your armor!

I do miss it so


They should just do a partial revert, keeping the crit box change and rivet gun changes. The others were nice ideas, but ultimately haven’t made Torb strong enough in a general sense whilst also taking away his viability in his previous niche

So much fun with 200 armor Tracers coming at you…

He’s a very good flanker/shotgun hero now but after you’ve Overloaded you’re pretty vulnerable. They also made his headbox half the size of his body for some reason so the second a sniper gets you in their sights you’re dead. The problem is the turret is alright but not very great as a team supporter anymore.

Remember when people stacked Armor and Sym Shield gen on a Tracer whom also had a Harmony Orb on her?

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People want torb to get his armor packs back, sym to get her shield gen back, and brig to be more of a healer instead of dps.

So If torb gives 50 armor.
Sym gives 75 shields.
And brig gives 175 armor…

You would be looking at a tracer with 150 health, 225 armor, and 75 shields.
(total of 450)

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There is a solution to this (or at least for the armor). Just change how additional armor is applied. Instead of being a standardised amount across the board, make it a percentage of that hero’s standard healthpool.

If we use 20% as the example, then this is how much armor each hero would get:

  • 150hp heroes = 30hp armor
  • 200hp = 40hp armor
  • 250hp = 50hp armor
  • 300hp = 60hp armor
  • 400hp = 80hp armor
  • 500hp = 100hp armor
  • 600hp = 120hp armor

Obviously this is still flawed, the % used for the example would just make Tanks unkillable, but it is a way to prevent Tank-racer. Maybe make it only count actual health, or health+shields, but not any base armor. That would help out Hog, whilst hampering GOATS.

The loss of his armor packs have certainly reduced his synergy with tanks and supports. It’s made him into a more lone wolf style damage dealer.

Unfortunately, they repeated the mistake they claimed they did with his original design: feast or famine. As soon as his Overload is complete, he’s dead.

Some rebalancing between Overload and his normal form is needed. Armor packs might be a way to do that, but it might need a pretty long cooldown to keep armor from over proliferating.

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Exactly! Giving him something to do outside of Overload would be great. His turret isn’t bad, no, but there’s better options for support DPS. Outside of Overload, he’s a relatively one-trick pony (aside from lucky rivet headshots).

I love placing turrets in hidden corners and racking up 20+ kills per game in my Bronze matches.