Restore Quickplay as it was or this game is dead, Leave 2-2-2 comp only

I ask that the personal attacks cease

ugh its so easy to pry the same answer out of you, we stan xoxo

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I ask that the personal attacks cease

Achievements have not been promised for qp classic at this time

GO. TO. THE. ARCADE. Seriously, QP 2/2/2 has done a great job of cleaning up the format by booting all of the impatient 9 year olds insta locking Genji.

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I like this. Blizzard plz implement.

Quickplay needs to have the same rules than comp.

It should be an unranked.
Not a sh*tshow where you can’t train because there is 6 dps.

Just report it for spam.

In every topic the same Spam everyday …

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Just report it as Spam

Everyday this User posts the same stuff … its Just pure Spam

Really, it IS delightful.

I really hate it when people says “it’s just qp”

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I never play quick play and haven’t tried it since role q but my dps q times are always like 3 or 4 min it’s definitely much lower than comp. Maybe you’re high or low mmr in qp so the times are longer

Instead of forcing everyone into 2-2-2, go on forums / Discord / use LFG and find 5 people to play whatever composition you want. It’s that simple

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The matches aren’t balanced on Classic mode. It still has the same issues over there on Arcade. They aren’t balancing ANYTHING. No correct player team balances. So one match could have a whole stack of NEW accounts and they get steam rolled. The core game being the Old version of Quickplay wasn’t even THIS bad.

Over there on classic, the people who want to play are being treated very badly. I honestly don’t want to come over to Quickplay “normal” because the line to play is “too long”. Why should I have to stand in line for 4-7 minutes just to play a game and LOSE. It isn’t fun. If i wanted to do that, I would hop in my Car and drive to Mc Donny’s for a breakfast at 9am on a Sunday. :stuck_out_tongue: But to play a video game… NOPE.

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You can literally find another 5 people on forum or using LFG and get your precious 2-2-2 right away. Why are people complained when what they wanted was already in the game?

Can we stop with these ridiculous hyperbole threads?

The game’s not dying or in danger of same. We’ve got another 2 years of Overwatch League coming. It’s going to be around at least that long, if not longer.

this whole thing reminds me back when they removed hero stacking from QP. people were making the same arguments back then but guess what, the game survived


They better leave 2-2-2 in QP and Comp. Take yourself over to the arcadeeee

You cannot bring something dead back to life.

What’s Forced Queue?