Rest in peace mercy

Sure, want some help digging the grave?


Remember when you cried when Mercy was nerfed back in January and she was still the most powerful support in the game?

Get out.


Let me play a sad song for you on the world’s smallest violin.


i bet 90% of the player base wouldn’t even have noticed the mercy change if it wasn’t mentioned anywhere

the rest 10% are people who play winston or notice every little thing anyways

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Don’t worry. Wait for a few weaks and they will see that this nerf did nothing and she will get another nerf.


I don’t enjoy complaining. Certain people in the community seem to think that Mercy mains complain just for the sake of complaining, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. There are legitimate things to complain about.

Blizzard has taken a hero who was fun to play, reworked her into an equally fun to play but incredibly overpowered version, removed parts of her usable abilities so many times that her gameplay has become progressively less fun and more dull with less to do, and then with the upcoming change, nerfed her into oblivion.

Moira/Brig/Lucio/Rein/Zarya/Hanzo will be the new meta, Moira herself will be the new must-pick healer, Mercy’s appearance in high-tier play will be restricted to only maps where Pharah is actually still useful, which means basically no maps because Widowmaker. The range buffs to McCree, Soldier and Bastion are the nails in the coffin.

Mercy needed the original buff from 50 to 60 hp/sec to even have a hope of competing with Ana’s output. Now she has Moira to contend with as well, who is not only infinitely harder to kill than Mercy, but can also heal for MORE THAN DOUBLE Mercy’s healing output on a short cooldown. And that’s just her single-target output.

But hey, while we’re nerfing Mercy’s healing below the break point of most engagements so that all of her healing targets die during combat, why not buff Moira while we’re at it? That’s not balance. That’s just ensuring a new flavor of the month.


Literally whats been said with every nerf prior to this since her rework.

And shes still always managed to prove herself to be on top.


Here we go again. See you in a month where she’s still inevitably a must pick and you still inevitably claim she’s balanced/underpowered.

It’s like a broken record.


man I guess Mercy is right, heroes never die! Can’t believe Mercy has died so many times and still been in literally every game I’ve ever played ever!!!


Mercy mains cry about literally every change they’ve ever received. Does anyone remember all the crying that happened when Mercy 2.0 came out? That was one of the biggest buffs any hero in this game ever received, but before it came onto live these forums were FLOODED with people claiming it was going to destroy the hero! The absolute worst thing is that this change might actually be too much, but nobody has credibility anymore!


Have fun with the flag friend

Seems familiar to me. However, this nerf will still change nothing. Mercy is beeing picked for Rez and that won´t change anytime soon.

my feelings exactly when reading the changes to healers

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I don’t believe these changes will kill her. It’s frustrating, but I think it’s fine to tone down the healing as opposed to anything else. She still has consistency, mobility, and resurrect on her side.

She’s still going to dominate the pick-rates even after this nerf, just wait and see. Keep skinning her down so that when the day comes and you finally address her there won’t be much left.

After all, it’s what happened to Ana.

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It’s cause she doesn’t need anymore nerfs lol

There’s a complaint because this is absolutely the wrong nerf to give her. Maybe you should pay more attention to her kit rather then crying about other people lol

Well she doesn’t need another nerf right now, so if you can’t see that…

Get out.

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Incorrect, Winston now does more damage than her healing per second

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I see something more along the lines of Moira/Brig/Mercy/Rein/Zarya/Hanzo, Mercy still provides massive utility in rez and DB that can’t just be neglected because she lost 10HPS that’s ridiculous.

You’re absolutely correct Mass Rez Mercy needed more healing to compete with Ana’s healing, but now, she isn’t mass rez Mercy, she has more utility, whether it be realized utility or added utility, I’m sure we can both agree that she’s not the same Mercy she used to be.

And that’s good, because Moira doesn’t have anywhere near the utility of Mercy.

That’s literally the point, if Mercy’s healing output isn’t enough you switch, if Moira isn’t providing enough utility, then switch to Mercy?

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