Reset MMR will fix comp

That’s it. Players are ranked the same on all three roles and it’s ruining matches. The amount of tanks that are obviously not tank players and won’t even touch a point because they are afraid of it has risen dramatically.

With tanks being this oppressive right now it literally has come down to which team has tanks that don’t feed or don’t think the point gives them a disease.

When the season first started, there was an accidental reset where everyone started in gold. And trust me, it was much worse than any problems you may think you’re running into now.


Reset everything, and start everyone in Bronze too. Make them work up. If they want to throw, then they’re not ruining games outside of bronze.


People being placed incorrectly on off-roles will sort itself out relatively quickly, especially if they’re DPS mains as they’ll be forced to play their off-roles. They’ll either improve or fall to their deserved ranks.

It’s a new season and a new system, it’s gonna take some time. People need to quit acting like it’s the endtimes and the prophecy of destruction rings true.


What you suggest would make everything worse for at least half a year.


No, mmr/sr reset would destroy comp and balanced games for maybe even months.


Yeah, anyone thinking an MMR reset will fix anything is either a moron, or just tilted and not thinking.

It’ll never happen and should never happen, stop asking for it.


This would be complete chaos.
Do you realize how many games it takes to get from bronze to say GM?
A GM player would ruin a ridiculous amount of games before they were back in GM, it would be horrible. And that’s only on ONE role.
Matches in all ranks would be unbalanced for many months.

Yeah great lets completely make life of bronze players miserable. Whole community above them would be stomping them for weeks, then silver, even your gold rank.

No it really won’t. It’ll just mean awful matches for a few weeks until people end up where they were before anyway.

I wouldn’t have a half dozen accounts within 50SR if it was anything but working as intended.

I think you will find it will be awful matches for months. As people don’t just have one account, or don’t play very often and so on will always be about to soil games.

MMR reset just doesn’t work.

If you want one, buy a new account, or just suck it up and just play games for fun.

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Resetting wont work as it will be back to the same thing in a few weeks. They have to remove it completely, make it totally SR Dependant, and split the queues into single vs stacking, or make it so all games have equal amount of team stacks and solo q’ers.

For example, if 1 team has one single queuer, one 3 stack, and one 2 stack, then the other team has to have the exact same thing.

Thats the only way to be truly fair and incorporate some balance.

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Totaly sr dependant. What do you mean by that?

If they reset mmr and made placements 100 games per role. Yes that would help comp have people placed where they should be. Are you game for that?

We could even not show sr until the end of the season, kind of like taking a test. How many conspiracy theories would that stir up:)

Bronze is already miserable. At least give those folks a chance to see actually talented gameplay for once.

I don’t want it for me I want it for the players that are still ranked too high and sit at ranks they don’t belong because players carry them.

Wrong. Its already complete chaos in the lower ranks.

I do. And I can tell you a ladder reset is better protection for everyone. The leaders will still bubble up to the top ranks in a few games, but will at least have to work for it again rather than being grandfathered in, fighting minimal decay, and playing on alt accnts in stacks like they are right now.

Wrong. We live on a ladder where for some ranks, most games are ruined already - and we’ve done these calcs. It would be at most 30 matches, with the first few more ‘ruinous’ and the later few slightly perturbed.

There are only a few masters/GM players, and its only the DPS mains who would impart any kind of realistic ‘oppression’. And we already deal with plenty of high ranked pocketed smurfs at most ranks.

Just mathematically wrong.

Its already miserable. We’re the rank everyone’s alt accounts meet up to take massive dumps on one another. A ladder reset at least fixes things bringing the untouchables down a notch and giving hardstucks a reason to tryhard and escape.

You can’t go any further down when you’re already at rock bottom. A reset provides huge upside chances and almost no downside risk.

Again thats mathematically wrong. A ladder reset/collapse sorts people out quite fast.

Not resetting the ladder is more about protecting washed-up high-ranking entitled and clout-bearing players then most of the playerbase at-large.

Not resetting the ladder is more about protecting these elitist few from low ranked ‘normies’ supposedly ruining their games. When in fact many of these normies probably play more, are less washed and more hungry and looking to take the title from the champ.

So to fix the issue you perceive of players at ranks too high… You suggest putting all players in ranks too low…

Yeah. Makes total sense.

The other option, and this is a long shot I know, stop worrying about ranks and just chill out. Play with mates, have laugh and walk away.

You keep saying that Xion is mathematically wrong. Okay. Show your math.

Or you you can look at mine:, and see that resets take approximately 150 games per player to stabilize, and since many players don’t play that much, months of lower quality games is a reasonable expectation.

Or you can trust that Scott knows what he’s talking about (or hired people who know):

The tau is trash. We talked about that. 30 games should give you enough convergence. They already toss us into 5 placement matches rofl, and for seasons upon seasons forced 10 meaningless placements.

EDIT: Trueskill/elo is dated. We also talked about that too. You should have combinatorial tournaments to bin people out of the gates faster.