Request: Remove Hero Stacking from Mystery Heroes

Each 6v6 mode in Arcade has a gimmick. Total Mayhem has low cool downs. No Limits has stacking. Low Gravity has…low gravity. And Mystery Heroes assigns heroes randomly.

So why does MH also have hero stacking?

Double Symetra’s are oppressive. Triple Mercy’s make it near impossible to have a kill stick. And quadruple D.Va’s? You might as well not even be playing.

I know some might say “For every team you face like this, you get be on one too.” But just because I get to reap the benefits sometimes doesn’t mean it isn’t broken. And quite frankly, rolling a team is as boring as being rolled is frustrating.

So please, Overwatch Devs, I beg you to consider removing hero stacking in Mystery Heroes. Let’s bring some equality to the Arcade, and in doing so, bring my blood pressure down significantly.



I agree, I don’t understand why Blizzard hasn’t even tried this. Isn’t it just a switch they can flip on their end? Mystery Heroes is also the only arcade mode that’s permanent, and it hasn’t been touched in years. “Wow it’s so fun to play against 2 Orisas, Bastions and Mercy’s” said no one ever.


tbh Mystery Heroes is mostly a joke arcade mode where it’s RNG based to actually win


Stacks aren’t even that big of a problem, the worst and most undefeatable comps I’ve gone up against have had 0 stacks but just a REALLY effective combo.

I keep track of who/what won for these threads complaining about stacks and MOST OF THE TIME stacks have NOTHING to do with it. It does happen yes absolutely but you just tend to notice it more and it’s an easy thing to point to and say “this is the problem” but ACTUALLY it’s not

People who complain about stacking are the same people who only play the mode for boxes and then don’t touch it again for a week.

AS some who spends 99% of his Overwatch time in mystery hero, I say that STACKS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. It’s ironic that people what “hero limits” because they think it’ll make the mode easier but actually it’ll make it 10x harder (and just ruin the mode)

People complain about things like triple Orisa but do you really think it would it be any better if it was Orisa/Rein/Winston? NOPE!

Just looking at the screenshots I took from games where one side was getting wrecked by the other and these are the comps…

Dva/Ashe/Basion/Junkrat/Orisa/Wrecking Ball
Doomfist/Soldier/Orisa/Rien/Torb/Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball/Zen/Widow/Rein/Hog/Dva
Brig/Bastion/Torb/Zen/Rein/Mercy < We were attacking on Blizz world and it was an absolute slaughter, 0 deaths for me and there were 0 stacks.
Zen/Reaper/Mccree/Ana/Widow/Orisa < this is what the enemy had on Defence Numbani 1st point, the Widow was pocket and protected the entire game and we couldn’t do ANYTHING about it and not even having 2 Mercys could help us break the hold and again ZERO stacks for the winning team

the list is endless…

Like I said, it’s just easier to point at the stack and say “this is why we lost” and when it’s not a stack you just ignore it. If you get a hero limit the next thing you’ll be demanding is a class limit because “they got 5 tanks and a mercy IT’S NOT FAIR WAAHH”

This mode isn’t about 2-2-2 it’s about wild RNG and I don’t want to see it ruined by people who only care about it when they want their loot boxes.


Remove mystery heroes in general. Adding a mechanic like that in a game where you’re supposed to switch & counter the enemy team is garbage. It completely bases your chances of winning on RNG. Which is trash. It’s just like adding a character that can completely disable your characters abilities, even though this is a game where your character is supposed to use their abilities to win. Oh wait.

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Also people love to say “it’s all RNG” as if skills have nothing to do with it. You still need to be able to play the hero you get and you still need game sense to be effective, you also still need to work together if you want to win. The picks being RNG just make it more fun and make for unique games rather then the same things over and over.


“Still need skill”? Right. Because I, a Moira/Tank main, can play characters like McCree, Pharah, Zenyatta, Symmetra, etc. I have terrible RNG, so a mode where my chances of winning are based on RNG is the bane of my existence.

My favourite game is Destiny 2. A game filled with RNG. But not at a single point in it is my chances of playing well/winning based on RNG. Because the only thing RNG should affect is items you receive. Not winning. Not getting a character you play.

Mystery heroes is garbage. Try to defend it. Overwatch is 100% about seeing what your enemies have, then swapping to counter it. That is literally impossible to do in Mystery Heroes. If it were to continue to exist, it should not be the mode that exists in arcade 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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It’s almost as if different people like different things and whether YOU like it or not it’s still the most popular mode in arcade and I’ll defend it tirelessly because it’s the best mode in the game as far as I’m concerned.

You not being able to play more then 2 heroes isn’t the modes fault, it’s your fault for only bothering to learn 2 heroes.

and you can have all the luck in the world with RNG but if you don’t have any skills to back it up or just run in overconfident because “we won the rng” you end up dying and losing your advantage.

Also yeah in theory Overwatch is about switching but how many people actually do that in QP/comp? I’m constantly reading about people moaning and whining that everyone goes DPS or no one wants to tank or “Your not playing the hero I want you to play” and all that toxicity, it’s completely non-existent in Mystery Hero.

You don’t like then mode then don’t play the mode, but don’t say it needs to be deleted because YOU personally don’t like it.

I hate playing comp, so I just don’t play it I don’t whinge that it should be deleted because I think its trash and ALSO completely based on luck as to whether you’re going to get a good team or not.


This. Isn’t. Opinionated. “In theory” no. This game is 100% about counters. And just because people don’t like to do that doesn’t change what this game is about. Also, it’s the most popular arcade mode because it is the only mode that is there every single second this games servers are up. You can’t play Total Mayhem whenever you want, can’t play No Limits whenever you want, can’t play any arcade mode whenever you want besides Mystery Heroes. Of course it’s gonna be the most popular.

I can play several characters. Most of the healers and most of the tanks. Can’t play DPS very well. I mainly play Comp so I don’t experiment with characters often. When I do, I do quick play. If you want to get good at a character, you’re not gonna play MH. You’re gonna play QP.

And of course you still have to be good at the character. Why would you even bring that up? It’s almost like you can’t think of any arguments so you just say “well you gotta be good.” No way. Never would’ve guessed. I am good at the characters I play, and I’m just meh at the others. So if I get one of those characters I do not play, then of course I’m gonna suffer. Because I do NOT play them. And if I do get a character I play, I’m not just gonna be like “wow I got a character I play GGs!!!” No. If I get a character I like I’m gonna do well. Why? Because I play that character often.

My bad for wanting to get my boxes in arcade, when the majority of modes are just as bad as MH. But at least those other modes aren’t based on RNG. Again, try to defend it. Your chances of winning are based on RNG. RNG that your team gets characters they can play well. Whether they’re adaptive and can play any character well or they’re only good at a few characters, getting a character that they can play well is RNG. Just because you find it fun & enjoy it more than other modes doesn’t mean it’s good. Something being good is NOT an opinion. Enjoying something is an opinion. I hate Mystery Heroes: opinion. You love Mystery Heroes: opinion. Mystery Heroes is terrible and shouldn’t exist in a game where you need to be able to change your hero: fact.

Countering someone is more than just “they are hero X so I pick hero Y to win” It’s about forming a strategy to deal with the problem you’re facing. You counter someone by killing them, some heroes are better at killing certain heros but they’re not “a requirement” to win (they can just make it easier) When you’re picks are RNG it adds another level of challenge and it’s fun to see if you can take down the person giving you grief with whoever you happen to roll.

It’s there every week because it’s the most popular mode, they took it away precisely once and the uproar to bring it back was MASSIVE and across all their social media, they had to bring it back ASAP because PEOPLE LOVE TO PLAY IT! Since then its been perminate (as it should be)

because of the posts saying the win is based solely on RNG, which you keep saying (despite also agreeing that skills are part of it as well)

Your whole “you can’t improve on a hero by playing MH” is just wrong as well. I’ve gotten competent with a bunch of different heros playing MH (far better then playing QP where I’d be abused for wanting to practice and/or not picking the right hero.) Just because you don’t pick the hero doesn’t mean you don’t still learn what you’re doing when you DO roll them. (and watching how others in the match are effective with them)

Yes that’s part of what makes it fun, it’s like the core concept of the mode. Have you never played a roguelike game before? It’s a whole genre of games that are based around RNG.

fixed that for you

People who only care about arcade for their 9 wins shouldn’t be the ones deciding what’s best for arcade when just want to power through the wins as fast as you can so you can go back to QP/Comp. I couldn’t care less about the boxes I just want to play the mode I (and MANY others like me) enjoy the most.


You are so delusional that I can not argue with you anymore. I will lose brain cells. Enjoying something is an opinion. Something being trash is a fact. Mystery heroes is trash. You can say it’s not simply because you and other people like it, but guess what? Your opinion is irrelevant when it comes to facts.

There are so many people like you in this community and it’s one of the things that is rapidly killing this game. You’re dumb as all hell. “My opinion = fact. Me like mode so mode good.” No. The mode completely goes against what the game is about. And again, you’re stating “well you’re wrong because you have to be good.” And again, no way. No way am I just gonna switch to a hero to counter another hero and expect them to die without me doing anything. That is not what I am saying, that is not what I am implying. You have to be able to switch your character to properly counter another character, if the both of you are of the same skill level. You cannot counter a Zenyatta as Symmetra if you are both of the same skill level. He will think of ways to make sure you can’t kill him, and you will think of ways to kill him. But Sym does not work against Zen at all. Her range is bar none and his is very good. If you could only swap to a character like Genji or Tracer, who have little range but can close the gap very easily, then it doesn’t matter if you’re both on the same skill level. He doesn’t stand a chance.

Keep going on about how I’m saying that playing this game requires no skill. Keep going about how I’m saying mystery heroes is strictly RNG, but implying that just by getting a certain hero I instantly win without thought or having to do anything. I never implied any of that. You took it that way because you are a typical OW fanboy: dumb as all hell.

agreed! a completely random game mode has got to be the easiest game mode to engineer, it really takes no effort from Blizzard. why should there be joke modes in arcade? Relegate it to custom games, and just put a few limitations on the mystery heroes arcade mode; like no stacking, and 1 hero from each class on the team at any given time.

NO it’s an opinion, it’s YOUR OPINION that its trash. YOUR OPINION isn’t a fact no matter how much you pretend it is.

Yeah you’re TOTALLY not doing this at all…

Pretty bad example because yes you can, if you use you’re turrets wisley and proper evasion. You can absolutely melt him with how little heath he has (just got to watch that right-click spam)


That’s pretty much the entire point of arcade.

If you want a balanced game mode, literally everything but arcade and custom games exist.


and completely ruin the mode? no thanks.

If you want to play 2-2-2 then go to QP/Comp, MH is about wild RNG.

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So, just completely forget the part where I said you’re both equally skilled. Any person with at least 3 brain cells understands “do not go into an area that Sym is.” Of course Sym can counter Zen, if you’re better than him. Which is why I specifically stated that neither of you are better than the other. But forget that completely, right? That doesn’t help you so disregard it.

And no. Fact does not equal opinion. Blizzard are the creators of Overwatch. That is a fact. Blizzard is very bad at updating Overwatch. Another fact. I don’t like Blizzard. Opinion. I don’t like how Blizzard updates Overwatch. Another opinion.

It’s annoying having to explain opinions/facts but this community can be slow at times, you are evidence of that. Lets stop arguing, since you continue to prove you’re wrong.

And in the comment above me, you finally admit it. MH is about “Wild RNG.” Any game mode where your chance of winning is dependent on a roll of the dice is a bad mode. That is a fact. You enjoying said mode is an opinion.

Yeah you’re both equally skilled so you both know how to deal with each other. It depends entirely on the current situation as to who’s going to win the duel, who got the drop on who or who has backup from the team but it’s not impossible for the Sym to come out on top especially if they’re equally matched. (I’ve done it many times in MH afterall, although I admit the skill levels will not always be equal there)

Is it because you can’t seem to tell the difference yourself? You keep trying to pass off YOUR OPINIONS as fact afterall.

This is another opinion not a fact

and MH is about “wild RNG” but like we’ve been arguing you still need skills to back it up!

You admitted you hate RNG, so why not just avoid the mode that’s based entirely around RNG then?

I honestly like the random hero stacking. What I don’t like, is whoever wins being based on who has a healer or tank. Please, make some healing or tank bias if your team is missing one.

I’m done with you. You literally can’t say anything but your opinions are facts. I know it may seem like that’s what I am saying, but it isn’t. RNG belongs in one thing in Overwatch: loot boxes. Even then, the RNG in them are terrible. But leaving your chances of winning to RNG? Terrible. But you’re right. You like it so it’s not terrible and that’s a fact.

Stop replying. You are braindead

lol but again

Your opinion not a fact.


which is then?

is it ONLY RNG or is it RNG + Skills? Would you make up your mind?

Also I never once said my opinion that MH is the best mode was a fact. (and you’ll notice I never needed to turn to petty insults in my arguments either, that’s something people tend to do when they know THEIR argument is weak)