Request: Remove Hero Stacking from Mystery Heroes

Each 6v6 mode in Arcade has a gimmick. Total Mayhem has low cool downs. No Limits has stacking. Low Gravity has…low gravity. And Mystery Heroes assigns heroes randomly.

So why does MH also have hero stacking?

Double Symetra’s are oppressive. Triple Mercy’s make it near impossible to have a kill stick. And quadruple D.Va’s? You might as well not even be playing.

I know some might say “For every team you face like this, you get be on one too.” But just because I get to reap the benefits sometimes doesn’t mean it isn’t broken. And quite frankly, rolling a team is as boring as being rolled is frustrating.

So please, Overwatch Devs, I beg you to consider removing hero stacking in Mystery Heroes. Let’s bring some equality to the Arcade, and in doing so, bring my blood pressure down significantly.



My worst match to date has been 4 mercys, 1 Brig and 1 Pharah. No one ever died, and we never got proper Pharah counters until the veeeery end and killed off each Mercy 1 by 1 as they tried to rez each other.

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2 Mercy 2 Orisa 2 Bastion


It defiantly needs hero stacks to be gone.
It gets to a point where the enemy is unbeatable due to sheer luck.


No Limits is not a Gimmick.

It is THE Overwatch Game…

Thats the point though, it is a gimmick. And frankly i been getting better compositions in MH than QP, my brother walked in and asked me if i was in mystery heroes in a QP match.

Blizzard think its “f u n” …they give a shi*t about this… sadly.

3 Orisas, 2 Bastions, and a single Zen that tossed Discords Orbs like candy.

And my team never managed to get a Sombra or two barriers to even do anything.


I had a match nobody can beat: 9 mercies, 2 lucio’s and a brig in total. Nothing was dying, so everyone left instead.

So yes, please remove hero stacking, or at least add a reduced chance for getting duplicates. I never want such a deplorable game again.

It’s so stupid that the only mode in which you can’t counter-pick to counter stacks, is the only mode that allows stacking. Mystery would be 1000 times better if they just removed stacking. I only ever play it for the arcade boxes, because usually it’s the only arcade mode that resembles a game of overwatch, and some weeks it feels like a real chore.


I feel your pain brother. My attempt to change it was to introduce some rules, like 2 max of each category. But your idea is better, please remove stacking.

They laughed at me and told me that im just salty because I went against 2 orisa, 2 bastion and 2 mercy in three games consecutively and just got fricked over.

But yes, please remove hero stacking. All tank, all DPS and all heal is easier to do anything against than a rolling death factory that you cannot beat because they are protected from all sides and if you break a shield, they can easily outheal the damage you do until the barrier is back up. IF someone dies, rezz back into the game

I like that it’s a mostly random mode and I don’t agree with a lot of suggested changes about Mystery Heroes. People want algorithms and all this BS flying around, any changes need to be really limited. I think if you were to remove hero stacking, just make it a max of two. Otherwise we’re getting into bad territory.

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They realized how broken stacking was in QP, and eliminated it. Why can’t they figure it out here?

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Even just two of one character can be nearly impossible to break. Double Symm and/or double Torb on KotH? Double Orisa on a payload? Double Mercy on anything?

bump. Remove hero stacking, remake a no limits mystery for people who want it. It’s not fun fighting 2 moira, 2 brig, orisa and bastion. Or 2 brigs in general, or 3

No limits allow you to counter with your own crazy compositions, MH is a gamble.

I don’t get how people find that mode fun. Like how is it fun to fight 4 brigittes and a rein or 3 mei’s or 5 bastions
(and yes all have happened to me)


I keep waiting for this change to happen as it’s so problematic…I feel like the entire event this year for me was…well I hope my team gets the double Moira/double brig/double orisa/double whatever comp before the enemy does

It probably decided who won 90% of the games I played

And then you throw in being matched up with grand masters for who the heck knows why…my favorite game mode was very rough for 3 weeks…maybe now that people aren’t trying to get Christmas boxes it might calm down a bit

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+1 from me.

MH can be an awesome place to:

  • Warm up
  • Practice new heroes
  • Practice, in general, with low pressure

But the majority of the time it’s a one-sided slaughter because one team gets stacked, or just happens to get a great unstacked comp, and the other has nothing.

Removing stacking, or limiting it somehow, would be a good first step to making it a more consistently enjoyable experience.


Double Bastion, double Hog, Brigitte, and Moria on Gibraltar first point defense.

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