Reporting a battle Mercy isn’t a false report

It’s also your job to stay alive as well. Tanks and DPS are there to help but they can’t always.

Super Jump is also a thing.

use it, it’s a fantastic movement ability.

Per Blizzards written rules, the scenario described is not gameplay sabotage

Also, the scenario described is nothing remotely like Mei walling her team into spawn

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Yes, actually it is. It fits the definition to a tee.

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As i have already clarified, they are not even remotely close to being the same

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Except you are wrong. I’ve already clarified that they are exactly the same. Two can play that game.

Gameplay sabotage is actively disrupting or harassing your team through the use of game mechanics or player actions.

Taking a healer slot and then never healing thereby intentionally putting your team at a disadvantage fits that definition.


I was with you until you said this.

Yeah, you’re not wrong that healing is the main job of most support heroes. That said, players are AWFUL about telling when their healer is slacking off. I’ve had matches where I’ve healed upwards of 40% of team damage, and I still have people accuse me of DPSing because I wasn’t glued to them when they overextended and got wrecked.

By far the worst are when you’re playing Moira, and your teammates think positioning is optional so they just soak in damage at the choke. You throw a healing orb at them, then use all your LMB heals. You swap over to RMB for a hot second to recharge, they die, then start losing their mind in chat about how you’re throwing.

Sometimes healers need to do damage. If your Lucio briefly hops away to push some enemies into the Ilios well, he’s not throwing. If your Baptiste ignores your spamming for heals because he’s got a bead on their Reaper at critical health, he’s not throwing. If your Ana plucks their Pharah out of the sky, because your hitscan DPS just went down, she’s not throwing. It’s part of their job. Just because you saw it happen doesn’t mean they haven’t been throwing out heals all game too.


Clarification: it does not meet the definition in any way, shape, or form, and as such, the scenario described is not gameplay sabotage

It’s a sad time when a Mercy main openly supports not helping keep the team alive.


uhm while I agree, I think it all comes down to value, I mean, if that Mercy player is killing everything in it’s way, who would really complain?

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I wish this was the case, when Mercy’s refuse to heal

yeah exactly, that’s why value is an important consideration, of course if the mercy has her gun 100% of the time and just keeps dying then yes, by all means report them

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I feel like the point was more Road having silver
Mercy’s hps nearly doubles Road’s max hps (take a breather every 8 seconds from beginning of match til the end and always getting 300hp from it)

I recognize now. The poster has already clarified for me, and I completely agree with the statement. I just felt Moira was a poor example, so the point flew right over my head :sweat_smile:

Meh did it for my medic 0lacements since people were throwing with sigma hour one and still placed 2800 lol.

True. I dislike an attitude like this because a healer is supposed to be mainly healing. When i get teammates like full dps healer will only make my job harder. Dps ing now and then is fine, but not healing at all is a big no no.

Agreed. I’ve been making a few big plays where i could still support my team with both dps and healing and in the end they comment or thank my plays.

A mercy who can’t do both better stick to healing, because if you go full dps its detrimental to your team.


Moira, Zenyatta, and Brig.

Moira MUST deal damage to refill her resources. If she doesn’t it takes a very VERY long time-game time at least- to recharge naturally.

Zenyatta literally is suppose to deal out damage due to his playstyle. He’s legit a glasscannon that brings moderate heals but loads of damage.

Brig is similar on the aspects of Moira, she HAS to deal damage to active Inspire. She’s a brawler-like healer (though she’s currently having an identity crisis with how her changes have been going)

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I misspoke with that, I realize, I’m going to edit for clarity


Honestly, that’s pretty mature to admit you misspoke around here. Seems like a foreign concept, sometimes.

It appears that the opposing arguments to reporting a battle Mercy who refuses to heal is that the very very off chance that the Mercy is just bad and genuinely thinks they are supporting their team exists.

There have been plenty of times when I wasn’t able to GA to anyone because the person I was actively healing died and the rest of my team is all hiding out of LOS and refuses to move to where I can see them no matter how much I yell for them to peek me.

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So he didn’t say it was against the rules?
Thank you for finding that.
You’re legit the first person who has found something.
And I don’t expect you to find something else because you are not the one who said ir