I’ve came from console and the the mechanics of the game and I also know how to aim on PC this has resulted in many people calling me a Smurf and telling me they’d report me when I am not really a smurf. I have been reported many many times for being a “Smurf” and this morning I woke up to a message saying I’ve been reported multiple times and not to disrupt my games, I know I have talked a little bit of trash but I never type profanity in the chat and it’s usually passive-aggressive stuff where I’m not actually cussing or yelling at a teammate just telling them what to do ,so the only other thing I could think of I’d be reported for is “smurfing” so pray I don’t get banned for this
Let them report you. You wont get banned jeff has said that smurfing is not against the rules. Throwing and causeing other to lose when they dont want to is.
There auto ban system is only for reports on language, inactivity and gameplay sabotage.
I got banned in the game (temporary, though) without having said a single word and not even playing to throw… in Quick Play (I’m pretty sure it was Quick Play as there was no showing of badges but your levels are very, very, VERY visible via just pressing tab).
So, Mr. Kaplan, your system doesn’t work as effectively as you think it does.
I’d rather get banned for being a prick than getting banned for nothing at all…
Yeah i would be banned on all my smurf accounts by now. I know i got reported about 10-20 times/accused of hacking on my gold to masters treck recently.
I’m still not sure how I got banned in Quick Play, though. Granted, the game decided to re-queue me with the same 5-stack on the same team as them several times. I did not say a word, I just played tanks and supports because I felt like it, I didn’t throw at all, and just played to try and improve… after a few games… I got banned.
Yeah you can get auto banned for that one. You just have to talk to them. They pretty reasonable if you can explain you are playing your best you were just being bullied. There is a serious problem with people that acually do that. That why the auto ban exsist. People abuse that to stop having to play with players they concider bad. Those people need to be banned.
The thing is, there was no communication between me and that 5-stack. It was freaking Quick Play of all things. I’m still salty about it even though I got unbanned a few weeks ago. It just felt upsetting that even though I bought this game on a sale, I shouldn’t have to be at the whims of someone else who also is just a consumer just like me.
Which is a shame because, in terms of sheer gameplay, I haven’t had this much fun in years. The game is really fun to play, but this is massive horse poo if I can get banned because a stack decided to be a prick in QUICK PLAY!!!.
Right now, in general, I don’t even know if I want to touch the game. It just feels like its catering more to people that the system is fighting against.
Should I report this for holding up stereotypical gender norms implying men must be strong and/or that women cannot be?
See? That was a joke but this is how such a thin-skinned person acts. Everything is offensive to them. Everything. And we for some reason value in any capacity their offense taken.
I understand what you mean let me clear it up a little bit I don’t really talk trash for say and say that someone straight up garbage just that let’s say “genji is going to do awful against their comp because they have a Winston and broig please switch off” you see how that could come off as kind of aggressive? Also update I got silence for 6 days Bois.
He said that smurf accounts will eventually end up at the same SR as their main account.
However he failed to address the fact that for every match a smurf plays in that is lower SR than their main that they are effectively cheating as per the reporting system’s definition of same with regards to unfair advantage.
A high SR player on a lower SR smurf has an unfair advantage over other players in the match actually at that lower SR.
And as the game states anything that affords an unfair advantage is cheating.
dude, some people in this community just want to report people for everything, even if it doesnt make sense.
I once played against a Hanzo in QP, sniped him with widow 2 times and then he called me a hacker. I only got 4 kills that match…
You also glossed over the fact that, for the games that a smurf is in that are lower SR than their main that they are cheating thanks to an unfair advantage.
That’s what Jeff failed to address in his post, and you continue to fail to do so as well.