Reported excessively for playing Torb

Just finished my placements for Season 10 by playing Torb ONLY. Won 9 out of 10 games and logged out.

Came back on and got warning for getting reported for “Inactivity” and “Griefing”. What the heckadoodle??? I thought false reporting is an offense or does that not apply to lower tier players? (was placed in diamond)

I can say with confidence that I did a heck lot as Torb in those placement matches, and those reports are definitely uncalled for. (really don’t want to use gold medals as a gauge, but what else is there for me) This is literally the first day of Season 10 and I got a warning for the first time in my combined 700+hours of gameplay??? Didn’t happen when I was mainly on Hanzo in Season 9, didn’t happen when I was mainly on McCree in Season 8, didn’t happen when I was mainly on Widow/Cree in Season 7.

Like is there a way to track all these false reporting? Or if Blizzard could yknow give me a small outline of what these people reported about me? Because I was definitely not AFK throughout all the matches (didn’t even stop moving/shooting), and I definitely didn’t throw the game by suiciding or whatever. I played the game as it was meant to be. Played the objective, killed things etc.

So yeah. Really frustrating that although I’m doing my best (and doing pretty well actually) on an “off-meta” hero, I can get reported like I’ve never been before. Tbh it really sucks.

Ok so just a final update. I sent in a ticket asking for the contents of the reports I received.
So oddly enough, the GM responded: “I looked over your account and do not see an penalty for a warning. If you saw this warning in chat and not an email, it was likely a player.”
This is weird because I definitely received a pop-up notification, like the ones you get at the start of a new event or comp season, warning me about the reports. So maybe it was just some notification error and people didn’t actually report me.

Then, he also reassured me that: “As a note, we review each case before placing a suspension on an account. As such, false reports should have no impact on your account. If you ever do get hit by one, you can contact us to review it :slight_smile:
So there’s gonna be some mixed feelings about this point based on some of your personal experiences in this thread, but guess we’ll never know.

Thank you all for your inputs (the constructive ones) and your opinions. I know this one-trick and/or “off-meta” thing is driving some of us nuts. This is actually an alt account for “off-meta”/one-trick heroes. My main(flex) and this account are both capped at diamond. Remember I’m not talking about higher tier games like masters/GM so I don’t know what it’s like up there. But yeah if I can climb with “off-meta” heroes as well as I can with “meta” heroes then I don’t see why others can’t.


I have championed the cause for one tricks for quite some time now. Having said that, you are doing something you know annoys all your team mates so don’t be all that surprised.

They are wrong to report you, the system is somewhat broken for letting them… but I still don’t have much sympathy for you.


so you admit to only playing torb no matter the circumstance

sounds like a high probability of gameplay sabotage

have you tried not trolling your teammates online?


You’re also allowed to appeal a suspension. Put in a ticket and explain your case. Best case scenario, people get punished for false reporting and you get to play again.

Worst case, you get told to simmer down because you’re being a one-trick on a hero nobody likes playing around.


I’m not really sure how winning annoys them. Or how me setting the turret as a bait for flankers so they won’t target my healers annoys them. I think it’s really frustrating because at the back of my mind, there are all these ‘game sense’ things going on, but people don’t really look at them because they can’t see the big picture. They then assume “Oh this torb did literally nothing”, or “Oh he’s definitely throwing” goes straight to their minds.

So yea I agree the system is kinda broken for all these reporting to happen and I also don’t expect sympathy. I just want some answers yknow.


Lol if I wanted to troll I would’ve went another hero I was uncomfortable with, like say Winston, and fed the enemies more ult charge than ever. The question I want to know is why does playing torb immediately equate to “high probability of gameplay sabotage” like you said.


Ah that’s good to know. Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

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if you are saying that torb is an ideal pick to play 100% of the time in all matches and maps i’m not sure what else can be said to you

now that you know people feel that you’re sabotaging games, i wonder if you’ll continue jamming torb and continue getting reported and eventually suspended, or will you actually contribute to your future matches by picking your hero on a case by case basis


Because some competitive-minded players are meta slaves who see their teammate pick a hero and immediately assume they’ve been handed a loss

I can’t count the times my team’s been carried by a Torb main who really knows what they’re doing, Sym mains too

Lord knows your Soldier/McCree/Genji/Tracer/etc are gonna be too busy doing trash damage to tanks just so they can build up their ults for a big potg, so if your turret’s the only thing keeping your supports safe from flankers then by all means, hammer away


I find this hard to believe :smile:

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just because you won games doesnt mean your team was happy with playing around you. besides that its a TEAM GAME… so your teammates probably played as hard as you.
they want you banned so you dont get in their games anymore.

ow is about teamplay and not selfish instalocking and expecting everyone to play around one person


I think all heroes can work. You saying “ideal” just means you’re following the “meta” and idk about that. I’ve played “meta” and now “off-meta” heroes and I don’t think there is any difference.

So yeah I think I’ll stick to jamming torb because I know I actually will contribute compared to me playing some other heroes. I’m just really rusty with them. But hey thanks for telling me what you think.


I think they’re just trying to point out that not everyone you encounter wants to build a team composition around Torbjorn every game. Developers have stated Torbjorn and Symmetra are very niche heroes, that only work well depending on the map and objective. They honestly are pretty terrible on attack with no payload, and on KotH maps.

Would you swap heroes if Genji and Pharah were making your life a living hell on Torbjorn? Or would you just hunker down and deal with the constant sweep? I’m only asking because “sabotage” is reportable, and if your team thinks you’re sabotaging by not switching, when you should be switching, then they can report you. And because of that, you may eventually see a temporary ban or suspension in the near future.

Not sure why people want to pull this one-trick stuff in competitive matches only. There’s other game modes that can cater and be more forgiving towards that choice in playstyle.


Hmm so I if I play around them and I’m not happy so I should get them banned…? Ok jk.

No but really I think I got really lucky with a lot of shield tank mains, and even if our team didn’t have them, we still won. So no I don’t think a lot of them are playing around me? Like you can play whatever you want. I’m not gonna report you.


If the team thinks sabotaging is not switching, then the team needs to re-read the sabotage description.

People like you is why “griefing” and “poor teamplay” was removed from report categories.


Most people are reasonable and won’t report someone unless they are purposely griefing. Picking Torb and staying Torb without ever switching despite getting hard countered IS GRIEFING and spoiling other people’s comp games. Stop being selfish, go healer…go any other support, help your team mates out. You can just play qp if you wanna go torb 100%, but don’t ruin the games of other people.


Or someone was forced to switch to shield tank to accommodate you because unlike you they understand torb is more useless without a shield in front of them.

If someone goes into a game with their mind set on playing one hero no matter what, this is gameplay sabotage, in my mind. Because it means you won’t switch to help the team.


Yeah I get what everyone is saying. I’m just still perplexed as to how “off-meta” heroes get such crappy treatment even though the player is decent. Like honestly I see no reason in reporting a decent player contributing to the team just because of a hero choice. Like it’s literally my first time getting the warning. And I’ve done worse in heroes like McCree before.

Pls don’t tell me to go quickplay. We all know quickplay is not a place for learning. Aiming, maybe. Game sense, nah.

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To me, not working with your team, being selfish, and refusing to take suggestions on your failed attempts on the current hero, that is sabotage. Maybe not direct and conscious sabotage, but definitely indirect sabotage.

We unfortunately have certain heroes in our roster that are near impossible to one-trick due to counters, map designs, and objectives. Whereas other heroes can be one-tricked because of how versatile they are (e.g. Mercy).

If I one-trick Bastion, and refuse to switch when I’m getting countered hard and dying every 10 seconds of my life span, that’s not good. Bastion is also one of those heroes that needs his team to build around him, and not everyone wants to build around a Bastion.

Seriously, think about it. Someone joins your team, and says “Sorry, I only play Bastion. Deal with it.” And then you all start getting utterly sweeped, and you notice the Bastion-team composition is not working, you’d be perfectly ok with that?


Trust me, I do feel sorry for these players that want to player certain heroes, but can’t because of how situational they are! But that’s the nature of the game. Fortunately, Blizzard agrees it sucks we have heroes so niche that they are near useless in 90% of situations, which is why they announced reworks for Torbjorn and Symmetra.

I’m sure you’re trying and you care. But you need to also consider it from the side of the five other teammates you have whenever the Torbjorn team-composition isn’t working, but you don’t wanna change.