Report Smurf option

Lmfao if you read it and clicked the link in the article he literally posted on the forums saying its not cheating

Im sorry you want it to be cheating so badly

There is his comment starting a new account even if you are t500 and being placed lower IS NOT AGAINST THE RULES IE: ITS NOT CHEATING

You feel having an unfair advantage is cheating ok lets play by your rules

Me having faster internet than someone who lives in a rural area?? Unfair advantage

Me getting a diamond player who used to be masters on my team? Unfair advantage

Someone from the other team DCing and letting us cap point before he returns the game should start over as that was an unfair advantage

Maybe if you stopped crying in the forums about smurfs why dont you take it as a leaning expierence and learn to play better

No where in the rules does it say “creating another account and playing at a lower rank than you main is cheating”

Anything can be an “unfair advantage”

And the fact i linked you to JEFF him self saying its not against the rules and you still want to say it is shows youre not looking to be informed but that youre here to cry until they make smurfing reportable because you dont like being beaten by someone you think is a higher rank than you

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