"Report both tanks!"

Wait, people really do this? And then complain that no one is queueing as tanks? Lul.

When Symm was moved to dps, there were a lot less DPS in the game than there are now, and 2/2/2 wasn’t enforced back then either. The tank category already has too few characters to choose from compared to DPS, which people STILL complain about constantly. Sure, let’s just move two of those characters over to DPS, which is already a bloated character roster to begin with. NO THANK YOU.

And I wasn’t speaking about you directly for reporting off tanks, it was more a general “you,” like if anyone reports off tanks.

When they fixed a beam bug. Sym and Zarya did 40% more damage. What happened? Their DPS was dropped. There’s no way to make Zarya stronger. Without everyone complaining about it. People complain about her now. And all they did was put splash damage back to what it was on grenade. And gave her one extra grenade. All because of shield changes.

As a tank main who specialises in these 2 heroes (and pre-nerfed dva) i feel this from the bottom of my heart.

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The pace of the game (particularly because of the barrier nerfs) when Roadhog or Wrecking Ball are in the tank role is too fast. The sweeping barrier nerfs changed a lot.

Update :

It seems like I was right in the end. Next time you might wanna check twice before insulting people for using a report system like it is supposed to (even if you don’t like said system).



“Why? You wouldn’t be behind the shield anyway.”


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This, right here, is everything that is wrong about bad DPS teammates.

The tank is not there to “protect the team,” he’s there to control the engagement and create opportunities for the DPS. Dive tanks create opportunity via disruption. Hog creates opportunity through isolation (hook), body-blocking, and overall scary lethality that causes people to run and hide.

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For sure it’s scummy, but do you think it’s really fun to play Zarya when you’re not able to farm energy from any of your teammates so all you do is super weak damage and then just die when the opponents engage you? Or when the opponents are playing Mei and all you do is dive the backline, get farmed and then continue watching your teammates get wiped by the ultimates over and over again because they’re getting 600hp worth of it constantly?

Because if you remember any game where you felt bad while you were achieving nothing through these scenarios: Your teammates feel twice as bad playing with you when this happens. I’m the second tank buddy and I’ll gladly play Orisa/Sigma/Rein for you, but if you’re not going to play around Mei and no farm, it feels sincerely sad :frowning:

with the widest spread from lower elos to higher elos, than any other tank. he can work with most tank combinations, virtually all shield tanks, and most others besides maybe zarya.

I didn’t insult anyone that used the report system like it was supposed to.

I insulted people that Deserved it for abusing the report system.

I highly doubt all 7,200 of those accounts were legitimate.

I’d wager some were full of false reports.


Yes you did.

You’re not fit to judge who is abusing the system or not since you don’t have the context of the games our experience is based upon (but still proceed to judge and insult people sharing it) :man_shrugging:

In Korea, the system is more strict but I didn’t link this topic to you because of that specific part yet because your thread makes it sound like the majority of people are false reporting for onetricking when it’s not the case. There’s a difference between onetricking and disruptive gameplay but it seems like you simply don’t want to acknowledge it.

Deny the reality all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that most people who were reported for Disruptive gameplay deserved it. It’s time people stopped turning tables by portraying players victim of insults, bullying and games being thrown into the culprits that so-called abused a system (you don’t like, apparently).

It sounds like you’re the kind of player that may have thrown games because of selfishness and telling your team off and that you simply can’t take responsbility for it (and also defending other players that happen to act like this).

I therefore don’t have respect for you either (quoting you).

Edit : the reporting system do need improvement but we can’t remove it altogether to let chaos settle in.

There is nothing in the thread you linked (regarding banned Korean accounts) stating that the accounts were banned for refusing to switch heroes. I’m not sure why you think this supports your case.

Blizzard have been super clear in the past that refusing to switch heroes is not reportable. The report screen even says this:
The link is a screenshot of the report dialog. I know you’ll be too lazy to open it, so I’ll transcribe the text for you:

I’m not sure why this is so difficult for you to understand.

Thus, it is logical that if you are reporting people for Gameplay Sabotage for simply refusing to switch heroes, it is a false report.

Tank players on your team have no obligation to switch to your preferred tank heroes. If you want a guaranteed barrier on your team every game, then queue for tank yourself - it really is that simple. If you don’t like it, cry more - it won’t make you right.


If by throwing games you mean Not taking orders from random people on the internet on what heroes I can and cannot play then I guess I’m throwing games Shrugs

I don’t need your respect. I don’t know you. Why would your respect mean anything to me?

Unfortunately this will fall on deaf ears. Nobody reads the important stuff. They just see someone playing something they don’t like and report them for gameplay sabotage. “It’s soft throwing!!!” Yada Yada Yada.

Your experience doesn’t reflect all the cases where people reported others for Disruptive gameplay. Maybe in your case it was false reporting for onetricking but you shouldn’t be making assumptions about other people’s experience.

it is more subtle than this. It depends if you really wanted to win your game by choosing your hero or just playing for fun and trying a hero you’re not good at, without caring about other people’s game in Competitive.

Again, it is a team-based game, you can’t act the way you want without paying attention to your team.

That was sarcasm because you were the first one talking about not respecting people like me without even trying to understand the context of my experience and I thought it was out of line.

Anyways, as long as people like you don’t understand that there’s a difference between onetricking and disruptive gameplay, you’re gonna encounter people that won’t agree with you, Whining on these forums with this thread won’t change a thing.

Play what you want. But if you are getting outplayed by someone who actually learned how to play better heroes, don’t cry because you’re mates are not happy.

I’m sure if someone is Onetricking Pharah against 2 popping off hitscans and tell you “I want to play pharah, that’s all”, you’re gonna smile and accept the lose ?

My main is D.va, but you know what ? I play competitive to win so I don’t care to flex on Sigma or Rein, as long as my team wins. If I want to have fun with my favorite hero, I go QP.

Dps whining about no barrier tanks yet they never use them anyway.

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Lol blizzard releases content for this game? Wow that would be pretty cool if it ever happened

This entire post is simply disgusting

I’m sick of the thought process that roles/characters have a right and wrong design or way to play.

Stop turning everything that isn’t dps into jobs

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I play every hero in the game. But sometimes I’m just in the mood to play a certain hero. However. Even I’m not cruel enough to play pharah vs two ( or one ) “popping off hitscan

I’ve played D’va in three of my placements so far this season. Won twice ( one of which had a zarya and sym on the other team.

The whole game is about fun. Why should I play heroes I consider less fun in a video game designed for entertainment? I don’t have some big contract with anyone making money by playing so why does it matter?

Yes I will sometimes flex onto less fun heroes if I feel like it but most of the time I want to enjoy myself.

I solo queue everything. My friends have moved onto other games. If people are going to be rude to me I just mute them. Simple as that.