Replacing Ping and RTT with Latency

Now the question would be, where to activate the option to show the latency?

Well the old ‘’ CTRL + SHIFT + R ‘’ does not work and the truth is that it is a very useful option to know if you can connect or not to play competitive games

Thank you so much! This helps!

OY! How did you post an image?

I seem to notice more lag than usual. Could this change affect my connectivity?


You are welcome.

That sounds about right. Refer to my screenshot above? Note how the Latency value is higher than my older version’s ping value. This is suppose to happen.

Unless you had RTT activated, you will need to go back to Options > Video > Display Performance Stats > Advance to toggle Latency back on.

Because I can…

Actually I was granted a higher trust level in advance because of my role as a forum MVP.


Thanks for the explanation! LATENCY is way too long though. Please shorten it. Odd that PING was shortened to PNG but LATENCY is LATENCY


More UI features that nobody asked for… yay…

would like to see this reverted. id like to see as close to actual, raw dog values as possible. i understand that certain judgement calls need to be made based on network overhead and other factors.

its my understanding that one factor in grouping ppl when making teams is player ping… ok, then show whatever that info is.

one point of view is that one need not be so concerned with the round trip thing and the reason why is mostly favor the shooter. im only interested in how fast im getting data from you, not so much the other way around.

would prefer this was all kept simple as possible, and jesus change that awful and obnoxious “LATENCY” to something else.

showing us a number on our screen which is now magically 20ish higher than it always was is never gonna be well received, its just not very intuitive.


my latency has been going up but my interent has been fine


same my doggie (console peasant)

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No, they didn’t downgrade the servers. Don’t be daft. If you pay any attention to the tech community, Intel processors made in the past decade were recently exposed of a multiple major security flaws which are now dubbed “Spectre” and “Meltdown.” Intel’s short term solution for those processors is a firmware upgrade that slows their performance, which effectively means slower servers for us. What would you rather have: Faster servers, or servers that will inevitably get hacked? These vulnerabilities are so widely known at this point that hackers are all over it.


I was getting a steady 46ms ping before the patch, now I’m getting 57+ms. This introduces a whole plethora of problems for the high tier players like myself because reaction time matters so much that milliseconds count. Do you have any plans to upgrade your servers, and will you be using Intel hardware in the next iteration?

Like Latitude?

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Well, it might be psychological, but I trust my senses… and my senses tell me the game DOES feel laggier now.

Now I get the network issues icon on the left side of the screen from time to time. This NEVER happened before.


I hope it will fix the issues with enormous ping drops I had earlier, out of nowhere, without a reason.

is it normal that I went from 35 ping to 91 latency? it rly feels like Im lagging more ._.

also yesterday it was constant 51 latency but now it is 87-91


My ping/latency has been shooting like crazy since this patch, from a regular 70/80 to about 182, then it drops down and keeps going up. Tried messing around in launcher settings and turning off background apps but I’m still rubberbanding like crazy.


omg me too, i upgrade my internet the day of the patch and all the smiles become sad faces xD

Lagging more since update, I literally see the throwing out of tracers arms as she recalls, only to get stunned by mccree’s flashbang. Either fix the issue, or make the interp less than 20 damn milliseconds - it’s sucks playing tf2 like that because it is the reason why shots don’t count when they should. TURN THE GOD DAMN INTERP DOWN

More mbps doesn’t mean less latency.
Common misconception.

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