Replace the main character in a movie

With an Overwatch character, how silly would the movie be?

Like having…
Torbjörn in Scarface
Doomfist in Rocky
Moira and Mercy in Thelma and Louise
Orisa in Terminator 2 Judgement Day
Bastion in WALL-E
Reaper in National Lampoon’s Vacation
Zenyatta in Man of Steel
Hanzo in Castaway
Zarya in The hunt for red October

Post yours bellow :joy:

Edit: updated for more characters.


S76 in cap america… oh wait nothing will change.

I think you mean…


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“Hey Red skull. I’m not your father!”

Bastion in Short Circuit

Sombra in The matrix

Reaper in the punisher

Road hog and Junkrat in herald and kumar go to white castle

Orisa in Big Hero 6

Mccree in The man with no name

Moira in Labyrinth as the Goblin King

Hammond in Flowers for Algernon

Dva in Pacific Rim

Genji in RoboCop

Torbjorn In Lord of the Rings

Tracer in Jumper

Widowmaker in atomic blonde

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Lucio and Moira in Kuzco

Moira replaces meryl streep in the devil wears Prada.

You can just sign my cheque now, thanks :kiss:


I’m actually LIVING for this XD

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Just take these medals instead…

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Winston in planet of the apes or King Kong

Spider-Verse but
Miles Morales is Hammond,
Peter Parker is Widowmaker,
Peter Porker is Roadhog.