Replace Shout's Bonus Health with AoE Wounding

I ignore most “streamers” for OW for that reason. “I’m t500 so only my opinion matters” mentality.

ML7 is about where I go, and that’s simply because he’s actually educational and more reinforcing and explaining things, rather than just full on complaining, when it’s not going their way.

Defensive tool? I never really saw it as defensive, I saw it as a way to capitalize on an overextended enemy, giving you the speed to gap close and extra health to make getting in there easier. The buff duration lasts long enough to where you can get out as well.

You don’t see how instantly gaining 100 health, and providing movement speed as defensive? It’s her main tanking source outside of actually landing your shots.

Using it offensively is just… Odd. Why waste your strongest cooldown to secure a single kill and leave yourself vulnerable for 15 seconds?

If a cooldown secures a kill, it’s not a waste IMO. Sure, you could use it defensively to get out of a bad spot, but if you ask me, most abilities are best used proactively/offensively, since using them in reaction typically means you’ll have your back up against the wall in a disadvantageous state. (There’s exceptions of course, like Wraith Form for example, but keyword most)

The 150 HP could be argued defensive, but IMO move speed is typically offensive. Nobody calls Reinhardt charge or Lúcio speed defensive, and for good reason - move speed means gap closing, and gap closing means picks.

You can also have it so that you engage, take roughly 50% of your HP, shout, and let supports heal you up. It also happens to be a great defense against anti, getting hooked, a good deal of burst damage ults, and so on. Even using it as a flat engagement tool still has its use as a defensive tool because the extra overhealth means the enemy still has to either wait out the duration or burn through your overhealth to actually do anything to JQ.

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Counter charging is defensive… Lucio’s speed is also defensive in getting the team out of a spot faster. A lot of people understand that offensive and defensive are interchangeable, but there is a fine line between them. Queen is meant to be aggressive, and you rapidly swap between offensive and defensive, sometimes both.

And by that I mean using shout to initiate the team fight, and using the extra health as defensive.

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