Repeat after me HANZOS ARROWS ARE

I came here to try and encourage thought, but I’ve clearly failed

How would you encourage it by saying something is illogical without bringing any sort of evidence to prove any point you have?

What evidence do I need to say that it’s being illogical to think things are fine “just because”

Pretty sure Junkrat’s are smaller. He will always shoot “logs” as long as my Death Replays show arrows about 3" from my face counting as “Head shots”. I mean looking at my Dead body splayed on the ground and the Arrow is literally Hovering over my head. Yes… that’s still shooting Logs.


Not the arrow. Jeez people are so dense.

All you have to do is count to 5 and reset the burst spread by clicking between the next shot - instant no spread.
Meanwhile I’m still asking for an ult that isn’t a complete nerf for soldier xD
Lose the ability to headshot, can’t land helix rockets if your more than a few meters away because it’s locked on where they were when you need to aim where they are, his ultimate button is a nerf button honestly, you can do far better without it on.

Spread though, he won’t benefit from 0 spread, he already has it for the first 5 shots of every click, which can be repeated to stay at zero spread.

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No one said anything is fine. The case here is that he doesnt shoot logs and theres evidence to prove that.

I mean, if you want to be literal then yeah, sure

Soldiers rocket should be bigger its a bloody rocket, Ana unscoped gets to benefits from being a healer and thus being slightly more charitable. There just is not a comparable object.

I dont think the view it as different types of projectiles it all just falls under projectiles.

Not all projectiles are the same size. I also probably should have ignored Orisa’s because the thing about the size was referenced around the time Sombra came out which would make everything made after hard to reference. Its probably still true but there is no stated evidence for it.

Good thing is that was patched out like 6+months ago. Helix now aim at your crosshair’s location during visor.

I’d say his ult is defensive tool to make yourself hard to hit w/ ad straife, while not making the movement detrimental to your aim cuz, well, autoaim. I do wish they remove his reload during visor tho instead of reducing the time for it.

I think another recovery time buff is in order. Otherwise he’s a staple of balance atm (except his ult ofc).

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just :open_mouth:

It was always such a bad option before that I’d stopped trying to land them during tac visor, that change had gone right under my nose, never knew, TY! <3

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If we want to get technical; Hanzo’s projectiles are small on the tip. But, they’re very LONG projectiles. Meaning there’s a small point but if you walk into the arrow as it’s passing and the feather hits you on the back end, it registers that hit. The arrows are small pointed, but 2ft long. That’s how you shoot and know you shot too soon. But, the player still gets hit by it. It’s not a single little ball/bullet that hits. It’s a long skinny arrow projectile that deals max damage regardless if the tip hits you or the feather on the back end of the arrow.

But the devs even said they are tied to one of the smallest. Here on the forum.

Can I point out I made these based on my tests which are inaccurate and I wasnt told the devs official steps yet.

i think this is relevant

Because interpolation heavily favors hanzo’s projectile because it is “slow and bursty”

Please prove that the “feather” hitting you counts it as a headshot.