Rendering Device Lost...Crash

First time this has ever happened…been playing since just after beta. Cost me SR and a 7 minute ban.

Giving you a heads up that this is out there. Nothing has changed on my end, so if you don’t mind…please check into this.

Haven’t played OW in 2 wks…back to Apex I guess!

PS. If you’re going to copy past a response…don’t respond at all. Thank you!

This is the most common crash I’ve seen. I don’t remember the cause, but it might be overclocked GPUs? You said nothing changed on your end though, so :man_shrugging:

It’s popular enough that a quick google shows many possible solutions you can try.

Hey there!

If you’re using an RTX Graphics Card, then i’d recommend you check out this thread: Known Technical Support Issues - Updated Oct 13, 2021 - #21 by Drakuloth.

Are your drivers also updated to the latest version?

If you’re not using an RTX card and your drivers are fully updated, then i’d recommend you send over a DxDiag for further troubleshooting.

How to create/send a DxDiag

Step 1: Press Windows Key + R.
Step 2: Type DxDiag and press Enter.
Step 3: In the DxDiag window, click Save All Information.
Step 4: Name the file “dxdiag” and click Save.

After you’ve saved the file go to the folder where you’ve saved the file and follow these steps.

Step 1: Open the DxDiag file and select and copy everything that’s inside.
Step 2: Paste over the copied text from your DxDiag into your reply.a
Step 3: Select the text you’ve pasted and press the </> at the top of the writing box.

If correct, these steps should work.
But sometimes a DxDiag does not fit, please don’t partially remove or edit the DxDiag so it’ll fit. This can result in useful information being lost that could help resolve this issue.

If it does not fit then post it on and put the code in your reply. [The code is the part of random numbers/letters after the .com part of the link]

Depending on your card, there are some tricks you can use, but sometimes it’s just a corrupted driver. If you provide the DxDiag report I’ll be happy to take a look.